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I just want to say something here. In the original version of this, I wrote in r@p3. I have made the decision to take that out of this story, out of both this version and the original one (which can be found on @Waffles_455) because I feel that it's a sensitive topic and wasn't comfortable having it in one of my stories. Please note that there are still heavy TWs for abuse, and there was smut written into this. One more thing I would like to add is that my writing has drastically improved since this story. The majority of this story was written at late, late night hours and I'm not sure what I was thinking, but this is the result.
Without further ado, I present to you my most popular work!)

Deidara's POV

"Gaaah-!" I exclaimed, sliding backwards, trying to block Sasori's attack. We had been training for hours now, and my Chakra was at its limit so I was now using taijutsu to fight him. I was not coming out victorious from this training session.
It's okay, though, that I have tough training. Everyone just thinks my wounds are from this.

In reality, of course, they're not, and training not only hides them but helps me get stronger, so I can finally beat my abusers.

"Okay, Sasori, I'm at my limit, un," I said, gasping and panting. He stops, glaring at me.

"You're so weak, Deidara. You always cut our sessions short because you can't handle too much and I never even break a sweat! I'm going to train with Kisame," he says, walking off.

I walk back to my room, dramatically flopping on the bed. I just let my body rest because I know tomorrow I'm going to have either more training, or worse.

I heard a knock on my door, and I tensed. Were they back already?

"Deidara, Konan made pancakes," I heard Tobi say. Oh, thank god it's just Tobi.
"Thanks, Tobi," I reply, getting up. I groaned. My body hurts like hell right now.

I shuffle my way to the kitchen, sitting down at the table. I sit down, and I see Pain, Tobi, Zetsu, Itachi, Hidan and Kakuzu all sitting there as well. Kisame and Sasori must still be out training.

Konan slid some blueberry pancakes onto my plate, and then sat down. The only open spots were beside Itachi and Hidan, and I sure as hell didn't want to sit next to Hidan, so I made my way over to Itachi.

I sat down, and Hidan looked up, looking me directly in the eye. "Hey there, Deidara, nice of you to join us," he said, and I tensed. Shit.

The table was engulfed in chatter, talking about upcoming missions and what their training plans were. The only silent ones were me and Itachi, me because I was too nervous to talk and Itachi because he never talks unless necessary.

Hidan gets up, and he says "Deidara, do you want to come train with me?"

I shake my head no, and he just laughs. "You're funny. Let's go." He walks over toward me and grabs my arm, pulling me out of my seat and away from the delicious pancakes that I barely touched.

He drags me towards his room and I know what's going to happen. Dammit. I can't handle this right now.

He opens his room door and throws me in. "What did I say about saying no when I asked you to come train with me?" He hissed, spitting in my face.

“I-I'm sorry, Hidan. I-" but before I can finish I'm cut off by a blow to the stomach. Ahhh, god that hurts.

Kakuzu entered the room, and he joined in as they were hitting me. Hidan dragged a kunai up and down my arms.

"W-why do you do this-" I groaned in pain as Kakuzu was still kicking me and Hidan was still cutting me.

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" Hidan  asked, pretending to be innocent. "It's our stress relief."

"Ahhh!" I screamed as he kicked me in the ribs. Suddenly, Kakuzu picked me up, I could barely move, my body was so bruised. Plus, I was already weak from my training with Sasori.

He carried me over to the door, opening it and throwing me out into the hall. I cringed with pain as I roughly landed on the ground. I could hear Hidan laughing as Kakuzu closed the door.

I tried getting up, but I was just too tired to move. I heard footsteps, and I sighed. Dammit. I let tears fall from my eyes. They were going to hurt me worse next time because I let myself be seen.

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