The Uchiha Family

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17 years later

Deidara's POV

"Bakuha! Come back here and put some pants on! I yelled, chasing my four-year-old son around the house with a pair of pants in my hand, dodging the boxes of stuff that we still hadn't unpacked since we moved to Kohona. The hidden leaf elders sorted some things out, and Itachi has been allowed back to the village. Nobody else knows except the elders and the Hokage, Kakashi. (I know, I know, by this time Naruto should be Hokage, but I'm keeping Kakashi as the Hokage.)

The door opened, revealing my 16-year-old daughter, Iku, standing in the doorway. She laughed as she saw me chasing bakuha. "Iku! Can you please make sure dinner doesn't burn!? I asked. "it's on the stove, just wait until your dad comes home, and then he can take over!" I shouted from the next room.

"We both know dad can't cook!" she shouted back, still laughing.

"well, he should learn," I grumbled under my breath.

"GOTCHA!" I yelled, grabbing Bakuha, and stuffing him into his pants. I released him and he continued to run around. The door opened again.

Finally. Itachi finally showed up. Since I was done chasing Bakuha, walked over to him and kissed him, and then told him to get his ass over to the kitchen and help with the food.

"But I can't cook!" he complained as I pushed him through the doorway. "I don't care!" I replied.

I glanced at the time. "Oh!" I exclaimed, changing my mind about Itachi cooking. I grabbed his wrist, dragging him over to the front door. "it's time for you to pick Matsuo up from her private practice with Konan," I explained, and his eyes widened.

"oh, shit! I forgot!" he yelped, and I smacked him in the head. "Language when we're around the children!" I said, pushing him out the door. "okay, okay, I'm going," he said, rubbing his head.

Matsuo was our 9-year-old girl. She had been training with Konan, the only member of the Akatsuki we still talked to after we left.

Akio, our 12-year-old, came running down the stairs, shouting about some guy he met yesterday and about how he wanted to meet up with him on the weekend one day.

"he's amazing, dad! He invited me over to his house! Can I go? Please? Pretty pretty please?" he begged, and I sighed.

"ill have to talk to his parents first. What's his name?" I asked, sitting down on the couch and putting on a show on t.v for Bakuha. He loved the Ino show, I'm not sure why. T.V was relatively new, and I think he just liked watching things move on the screen.

"Menma," he said. Hes 12, like me, and in my class. After you talk to his parents can I please go? He asked again, and I sighed again, looking around. "is your bedroom unpacked and clean?" I questioned, and he nodded.

"Okay, but I need you to unpack this room as well, I said, motioning to the few boxes that still need organizing.

"Okay," Akio grumbled and started unpacking. He must really want to see this boy.

Itachi and Matsuo came through the door, and I got up to greet them. Matsuo ran over to me, giving me a hug. She started to go on and on about her training session with Konan, and I grinned, listening to the whole story. When she was done, she took a big gulp of air and ran to the kitchen to see Iku, who had just finished dinner, bless her. She's a lifesaver. "Thank you, Iku!" I yelled to her and she just grinned and ran to hug Itachi.

I flopped back down on the couch as Akio finished unpacking. Itachi came and sat beside me, and I sighed, laying my head down on his lap.

"Long day?" he asked, leaning down to give me a kiss. Bakuha was watching and pointed to us, shouting "Ew!" when he saw us kiss. We both laughed at that, and he frowned and turned away, looking back at the T.V with deep interest.

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