....Did he...?

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Deidara's POV

I woke up in my bed to the bright light shining through the curtains into my eyes.

I sat up suddenly, remembering last night's events, and immediately gasped in pain, lying back down. That fucking hurts! Dammit!

"Yeah, it's gonna hurt today," I heard a voice say. I turned my head to look into the eyes of Itachi. Why isn't he in his own bed?

"Wh-why are you in my bed-" I asked him, and he looked at me, confused. "You do remember what happened, right?" he asked.

"Of course, I remember! How could I forget?!" I shout, sitting up and regretting it because I forgot that it hurt like hell to move right now.

Itachi grabbed me around the waist, pulling me into him. He ran one of his hands through my hair, the other one still pulling me close to him. He buried his face into my neck, making me shiver.

"I'm just wondering why you're in my bed and not your own," I said.

"Because my sheets are dirty," he mumbled into my neck.

"Why are they- OH-" I said realizing.

He laughed, flipping me over to face him. He pushed my hair out of my face, and tilted my chin down, pulling me into a gentle kiss.

"Dei?" he asked, pulling away from the kiss and making me shiver. I loved it when he called me that.

"Yeah, Itachi?" I responded.

"You're really, really fucking cute," he responded, making me blush a deep red.

"i-I could say the same about you," I stuttered.

He smiled, making me smile back. He pulled me in for another kiss, this one turning a little heated. He ran his tongue along my lower lip, requesting access to my mouth. I complied, wanting more. Making out with Itachi Uchiha really is something. Then again so is having sex with him. Oh god, the sex was good. I'd like to do that again...

He slipped his tongue into my mouth, running it along inside of my cheeks. His tongue danced across mine, and I needed air, but this was too good to stop. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

He finally pulled back, a string of saliva connecting our mouths. He paused for a moment, taking a breath, before reconnecting our lips in another hungry kiss.

"Mmm," I moaned into Itachi's mouth. He ran his hands along my back, and his tongue roamed my mouth freely, I let him have full control.

He pulled away, and I pouted.

"Hmmm- no why did you stop?" I questioned. He looked down at my sad face and leaned down to give me another quick kiss.

He rolled over, getting off my bed. "I'm going to go get us some food and soak my sheets," he said, smiling at me. Oh, my god, his smile is so cute he should really smile more often.

"Okay," I said, grinning. Itachi left the room, grabbing the sheets off his bed and leaving me on my own. I suppose it was about 2 pm, we had taken a nap. I was so exhausted after he was done fucking me he had to carry me to the bathroom and wash me.

I grabbed my journal, deciding I should write while I was waiting for Itachi to come back.

Hey! It's Deidara, but you should know that... because it's always me... anyway, today something amazing happened! Itachi kissed me! Then, after breakfast, he fucked me... it really hurts to move. I was exhausted. Right now, Itachi is getting us food. I wish I could spend the entire day with him... he's so nice to me, it's confusing. But then again, I guess he likes me. Itachi Uchiha, gay. Who would have thought? Actually, I didn't even know I was gay myself.... Who would have thought I was gay? ...... actually a lot of people ha-ha.... Anyway. It's about 2 pm right now. I took a nap and then Itachi kinda made out with me when I woke up. Scratch that. He made out with me. It was amazing. Huh. Sex really isn't that bad when it's consensual. Actually, it's fucking fantastic. I wonder if Itachi will ever have sex with me again. He seems to really enjoy kissing me. I also really love his smile. And his laugh. And his caring touches. Just about everything about him is wonderful.

Itachi walked back into the room, surprising me. I shut my journal, placing it back on the shelf. I moved into a sitting position against the back of the bed, wincing from the pain.

He handed me a bowl of rice with some dumplings on a plate.

"Be careful," he warned. "It's hot."

He sat back down beside me with his own food in his hands. He pulled his head towards him, making me rest on his shoulder while I ate the food blowing the smoke off the rice and trying to cool it down.

This position was comfortable. Itachi was warm, and as we are our food, there was silence. I broke the science by asking him a question.

"Itachi?" I asked, and he turned his head to look at me. "Hn?" he asked.

"Why did you have sex with me?" I asked. Hmm, was that a little strong? "Why are you kissing me and being nice to me, snuggling me and getting my food?" I finished, turning to look into his dark beautiful eyes.

He let out a slight laugh at that. "Deidara, I had sex with you because I like you. I'm attracted to you. I think you're cute and funny and hot and sexy-"

"Okay, okay, I understand," I quickly said, cutting him off, flustered.

"So what are we?" I asked, looking up at him.

"well, I don't suppose the rest of the Akatsuki would," *ahem* he cleared his throat. "Approve, of an um, gay relationship. We might be kicked out, even. But, if you would like, I would love to have you be my boyfriend, even if it's just between us," he replied, and my eyes widened. Did he just ask me to be his boyfriend?

"Well, I mean, um, okay. Yeah. I'd like to be your boyfriend," I told Itachi.

He grinned at that. I love seeing him smile. It's a rare occurrence, but it really is nice.

I set down my plate and bowl, and Itachi did the same shortly after.


"Mhm?" I mumbled, distracted by a fluff on the sheets.

"Deidara," he said again, and I pulled my attention away from the fluff.

"Yeah?" I asked. "What do you-" but before I could finish my sentence, Itachi cut me off with a kiss.

"We should go out and train, want to train with me?" he asked, pulling away.

"Sure," I replied, grinning. I tried sitting up and instantly felt the pain once again.

"Ah....." I grunted, wincing.

"What is it?" Itachi questioned, who was in the middle of changing.

"Just... It hurts.." I said, and his eyes widened. "oh... I forgot..." he laughed. "Here, ill carry you."

"You'll what-?" I began, but Itachi had but a shirt and his cloak on and swung me over his shoulders so I was on his back before I could finish my sentence. I wrapped my hands around his neck to avoid falling off.

He carried me down the hall and out the front door, and he kept walking all the way to a clearing where I assume he likes to train. He set me down so my back was against a large rock.

"You know, you wouldn't have to do this if you didn't fuck me so hard,.." I grumbled, not intending for him to hear. But he did, and, smirking, he said "sorry, it's just really hard to resist. I'll ask Konan for some medicine later, okay?" He walked away.

I shifted positions as he began to throw kunai at wooden dummies. I don't know why he needs to train, he's the strongest Shinobi I know. But I guess even the most powerful have to train.

(A/N: I'm kind of losing inspiration for this story- I don't really know where to go from here. It's really difficult to come up with more things to write, especially because Itachi and Deidara both die in the show (sorry if that was spoilers) and if I'm not writing a modern AU its kind of difficult to think of things to write for their story. So no, I'm not abandoning this story, I'm going to give you guys an ending, even if it's kind of shitty... But I want to complete this because there's like, barely any Itadei fanfiction on Wattpad. So I'm going to finish it. But the ending is going to be crap. Just a heads up. But anyway, I'm going to be writing another Narusasu/Sasunaru fanfiction after this. So go look at that when it's out!! Thank you and don't forget to vote!! <3)   

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