Game Night Disaster

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(A/N: Thank you to inuama_senju for the title!)

Deidara’s POV

I walk over to my bed, flopping down on the freshly washed sheets. 

I look around at my things. It looks like Itachi unpacked them for me. I wonder why he’s being so nice to me. 

I walk over to the dresser drawers, and pull out a jogging outfit. I don’t use this often because it’s kind of ugly and I don’t really like it, plus I don’t run a whole lot. But I want to run today because I still need to train in some way, but I certainly don’t want to train with Sasori, so I’m going for a run. 

I slip the outfit on and leave the room. I walk down the hall and out the front door, out to the back trails near the hideout. 

I’ve been running for a while, so I decided to take a break. I sit down on a rock, taking out a water bottle. I take a sip, just resting on the rock.  I should probably head back. 
I got up and started jogging back to the hideout. 

I was almost there, I could see it in the distance. I came to a clearing, but spotted figures there as well. Kakuzu and Hidan. Shit. 

They turned around, spotting me, and Hidan laughed and walked towards me. 

“Hello, Deidara. Been a while, hasn’t it?” he said, still advancing towards me. Dammit. I looked around, hoping to find an escape route, when I suddenly felt a pair of arms grab me from behind. 
It was Kakuzu. Now I couldn’t run. Shit. 

Hidan grabbed a kunai from his pocket, slowly dragging the blade along my check. I winced, but this wasn’t as bad as it was going to get. 

He lifted my chin, tracing my neck with the tip of the blade, not piercing the skin, but still scratching. At least he wasn’t going to kill me. 

He cut my thoughts off with a sudden blow to the stomach. “Mmmph-!” I exclaimed, but Kakuzu covered my mouth with his hand, preventing me from crying out. 

Hidan began punching me, hard. He hit my sides and my stomach, and then picked the kunai up again, this time running it along my back. He drew blood, and I was in incredible pain. 

Kakuzu began to attack my legs, kicking my shins and hitting my knees. I was only still standing because Kakuzu was supporting me. 

They hit me in the head, and let me fall to the ground. They walked away, and I tried to assess the damage through my tears and pain. They hadn’t broken anything, but I certainly couldn’t walk. I groaned, and my vision went blurry. I closed my eyes and fell unconscious. 

When I came to, I was in a strange room I didn’t recognize. I sat up, and I was on a couch. An unknown force pushed me back down. 

“Don’t try to sit up, Deidara. You'll only hurt yourself more,” I heard a female voice say. I looked up to see Konan. Oh, god, thank you Konan.
But unfortunately, she was going to ask me how this happened. And I was correct. 

“Deidara….. who did this?” she asked, looking me in the eyes. 

“It was an enemy ninja,” I lied, closing my eyes and singing. “They got the jump on me. I killed him, but his comrade came and took him away.”

“People know where our hideout is?” she asked, concerned. 

“No, they were walking in the direction of the hideout, so they hadn’t discovered it. I killed him with one of my explosives, but I got caught in the blast as well, and I had already been severely injured due to the surprise attack,” I continued. 

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