Chapter 4 - Suprise!

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For a relationship to last, both people need to feel safe enough to truly be themselves.

Harry has always been Bi. He understood and accepted his sexuality when he was a teenager. However, he never did feel comfortable enough to share this important information with his wife.

For the last 24 hours, Harry hasn't been able to stop thinking. He is over-contemplating his entire life decisions. Louis is consuming his thoughts once again and he has come to one big final conclusion. He has finally admitted to himself that his feelings towards Louis have become no longer platonic and they have also grown so much stronger.

Being attracted to another man doesn't scare him in the least. What his having trouble adjusting to is the fact that it's his best friend. He doesn't want to risk anything. He doesn't want to lose what he already has with him.

Having a soul mate is not always about love. You can find your soul mate in friendship too.

Harry is stuck not knowing how far he can push that boundary. Unknown to him, life sometimes and quite often doesn't let you determine that decision on your own.


Louis however is feeling on top of the world after his night with Elly. It's nearing lunch time and for the first time in a long while, Louis feels he has slightly re-connected with his wife. The unexpected intimacy displayed from her last night has Louis walking on cloud nine.

He collects his phone sending her a quick text. He figures something like a cute lunch date might keep up the momentum. His mood is instantly shattered when he receives her reply. ' Can't babe, I am swamped in the office, maybe another time ok?"

He doesn't let this bring him down though because, if she is stuck at work, then he still wants to do something nice for her. He reaches over the kitchen counter swiping up his car keys. He drives to a nearby florist to buy the biggest bunch of red roses. On the drive over to her office building, he can't seem to remove his smile.

As he arrives at her reception desk, he looks around noticing there is no one in sight. It doesn't bother him, he knows where her office is, so he decides to just proceed behind the desk making his way down the corridor. He knocks gently on her door before slowly opening it. To his surprise, her office is a replica of the rest of the building... it's empty.

Deep in his own thoughts, he doesn't hear another person approach him from behind.

" Excuse me, sir, may I ask what you are doing in here?"

Louis spins around coming face to face with a petite middle-aged woman.

" Oh I'm sorry, I'm just looking for Elly"

" Well I'm sorry but she is not here she is currently out on a lunch date."

His body stiffens at her words. A lunch date. A fucking lunch date!!

" Ok. Do you have a rough estimate of how long she is going to be?"

" Well Id say you are free to sit around and wait but that would be pointless. When Elly and Tom finish lunch they are making their way over to the charity Auction"

" Charity Auction?" Louis repeats needing further confirmation of what he had just heard.

" Yes, the charity auction over at 'Fashion. Co' I do really hope she wins the clothes and the accessories that she has been talking about all day, she truly deserves it after all her hard work this week."

He can not for the life of him produce any words. There's a fire burning through his veins and it's taking everything he has to not explode all his frustration and anger out onto this poor woman.

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