Chapter 9 - Temptation

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Happiness is waking up and feeling the warmthness of the person you love, laying right beside you.

Louis's arm is hung loosely around Harry's waist as he snuggles into his back. He can feel his hot breath blow against his neck every time he exhales. His still lightly sleeping which Harry knows just by the sound and movements of his levelled out breathing.

When Harry tries to gently pull his arm out from under his pillow as its given him a dead arm, he feels Louis slightly shuffle and it brings an instant smile to Harry's face because the grip around his waist just got tighter with Louis who subconsciously, must have been thinking Harry was going to leave the bed.

Harry can hear the light morning traffic from the street outside. It's a sign the sun's about to rise, so he doesn't want to open his eyes. He knows that the moment Louis opens his, all permission to touch is gone again until the following sunset. It's a long wait for Harry, that craving in-between but he doesn't mind because the fact that his actually having all this contact with him is everything his ever dreamed of.

Moving from the fetal position he is in, Harry stretches his leg out straight prompting Louis to stir. When Harry returns back to his original position he stops as he purses his lips firmly together.

He can feel Louis's boner pressed to his ass which makes his own morning glory start to arise. He doesn't want to open his eyes in case it's daylight. He pushes back a little trying not to be too obvious which gains a small moan out of Louis's mouth.

Louis must have been brought out of his sleep by his own sound making him realise what he had done. His arm is suddenly pulled away from Harry's waist and Harry misses the contact immediately. He feels Louis leave the bed and hears him close the ensuite door.

Giving in Harry opens his eyes just in time to see the sun start glaring through the window.
As sad as that makes him his not too devastated, it's only what...another 12 hours until the sun goes back down and the touching can resume. It's not that long right?

Harry wants to rid of that rule but he doesn't want to bring it up in case it scares Louis off. It's not a rule they have spoken about it kind of just happened that way.

Harry noticed it straight away when Louis wouldn't come near him during the day but as night time appeared things became different. He doesn't know how long this is going to last with Louis, at any given moment he may pull the plug and end it all and Harry doesn't want to risk whatever time he may have left.

The bathroom door opens and he can hear Louis getting dressed from behind him. Harry rolls over watching him pick up his shirt from the floor. Louis decides to pretend he doesn't know his being watched, pretending to concentrate on putting his shirt in the right way while flexing his bare chest. Harry doesn't comment either, too invested in the free perve session that has been given.

" Hey Lou"

" Mhmm"

" firstonetosaythewordwhathastocookbreakfast"

Harry blurts out the fastest he has ever spoken in his life. Louis ties the lace on his last sneaker standing back up looking towards Harry

" I have no idea what you just said. "

" Ha!! you just said it !!"

" Harry, what the actual fuck are you talking about?"

" You said it again!!!!"

" Are you feeling ok, should I ring a doctor, a therapist maybe?"

Harry belts out a laugh before sitting up properly in the bed crossing his legs.

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