Chapter 19 - Renovated

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The changes that your body goes through while being pregnant is naturally beautiful, yet it can also be completely over whelming and some what daunting. Through the months your body undoubtedly changes and its easy to start feeling 'fat' or
' Uncomfortable' in your own skin.
Looking in the mirror you will notice that parts of yourself may have grown 'wider' and more ' rounder' but however that makes you feel, always remember the reason why its changing. Your body is producing life that is growing more and more each and every day and that is a true blessing. At the end of it all when you finally get to look into your babies eyes, you will realise that every little stretch mark and weight gain was totally worth it.

Louis is currently cussing to himself as he sits back down onto his bed in pure frustration. Having forgotten his need to buy bigger jeans, he currently now has zero 'going out' jeans that fit him. He had been getting by with just leaving his button undone but as time is ticking on he has found his thighs have also expanded a little, his favoured and only fitting jeans now no longer able to proceed pass the top of his legs.

Louis picks up his phone after hearing his message notification.

From Harry:

" I will be there soon X"

Louis texts back immediately.

To Harry:

" I don't think I can go, I'm too busy."

From Harry:

" Doing what?"

To Harry:

" Being fat"

As expected Louis phone starts ringing.

" Hel-"

Louis doesn't even get the opportunity to finish saying hello before Harry interrupts.

" Lou you are not fat, you are pregnant"

Hearing those words should have made him feel a little better, it didn't fully but hearing it from Harry who he knew was trying to make him see his weight gain differently did settle his body insecurity even if it was only a tiny bit.

" I've just pulled up out front."

Louis has been looking forward to seeing Harry. Unfortunately the pair haven't seen each other in over 2 weeks since Louis last scan. For some un-known reason Harry had been really quiet. Louis had texted and called multiply times trying to meet up but Harry kept putting it off with excuses like ' sorry im working late' or ' im really busy sorry' and Louis was starting to think Harry had changed his mind about them and chosen Lexi.

His heightened emotions has had his feelings all up and over the place this week, so when Harry had called suggesting a lunch date Louis finally relaxed a little. Louis grabbed some sweat pants and a large jumper surrendering to being 'comfortable' over being 'fashionable' praying that Harry isn't going to be put off by his appearance.

Opening the car door Louis eyes flick to Harry's who is looking him up and down.

" Hey beautiful" Harry smiles.

Louis face flushes as he pushes his fringe out of his face.

" You are only saying that because you feel obliged too because I said I was fat."

Harry frowned.

" Don't ever put yourself down Lou ok. You look amazing no matter what you wear. I mean with clothes, without clothes you are fucking beautiful" He says raising his eyes suggestively as they both laugh.

Harry has missed Louis like crazy these past 2 weeks. Its no lie, Harry has been flat out over exerting himself. As he sits admiring the beauty beside him, he is craving to kiss him but his not 100% on where they stand yet so he holds it back. He hopes that today him and Lou can have a talk about their future and what it may hold. Harry would also like to fill Louis in on the big conversation he has had with Lexi but he needs to wait for the right time.

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