Chapter 17 -Revealed

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Just a heads up. This chapter is way longer than usual. I normally do 3000 word chapters but this one is 5400 that's almost 2 chapters in one. I just couldn't separate it into 2 and hopefully you understand why after reading. Grab a cup of tea, and settle in, shits about to get real. Enjoy !!!! Xxx


" Lexi shut the fuck up, I can't believe you just did that" Louis snaps.

Lexi is pushing and pushing for more info and Louis can feel his face getting hotter by the second due to his rising anger. He wants to run and fucking hide because if he has to sit here with her any longer his going to end up with a prison sentence.


Everything in life moves by so quickly. They say that time flies by while you are having fun. It's not completely true. Louis and Harry have been lonely, mad and sad and yet time...has still been on the run.

It's been 2 months since Louis sold his house. Living with Luke was like some much needed fresh air for him. He is now 5 months along and Harry still has no idea about his second child. Louis knows he has to tell him soon and that no matter how much it scares the shit out of him he can't put it off any longer.

Luke has been good for Louis, especially with keeping him occupied and healthy. It could also be the very reason that Louis did not keep his word and visit Harry. In fact, every call and text from Harry has gone unanswered.

Louis just needed some space to think, to heal from his failed marriage and to let the whole idea of parenthood well and truly settle in. As much as Elly did him wrong he still misses her. Years of marriage and seeing her day in and day out is not something you just ' get over' in a flash. He knows it will take time. The anger he felt for her is slowly diminishing and he has come to terms with the whole "everything happens for a reason" thing.

Louis has been taking his pre-natal vitamins, keeping hydrated and has even started going for a little 30-minute stroll every night to try and keep himself in shape. Giving up the alcohol has been tough but now that he had not long ago tasted tobacco again, staying away from it has been torture.

The amount of stress he has been under has had him wanting to take a puff every 10 minutes. Luke who is a smoker himself has tried his best to hide his smoking by leaving the house and spraying himself with deodorant so Louis can't smell it and be tempted.
He hasn't given in yet, as each time he feels remotely too tempted he just imagines his baby coughing on the smoke. It's enough to take his urge away and so far it's working.

As Luke works a lot and is away for most of the day, Louis finds himself alone a lot of the time. Every night as he hops into his bed he finds himself missing having a person to cuddle with. He misses the warmth, the talks and the laughs. Tonight as he rubs the sheet beside him, he realises he hates the spot next to him being empty and when he closes his eyes he sees Harry. He misses Harry not Elly.

When morning arrives Louis finds himself doing what he does every other day. He writes. The only good thing to come out of all this ordeal has been having the time and ideas to get stuck into his new book. It keeps his mind busy and that's what he needs because when he sits back and relaxes his thoughts always turn to Harry. Wonder what his doing? Wonder if he misses me? But like always he remembers Lexi and snaps himself out of it.

His belly is very rounded now. Louis wears oversized jumpers and jackets to hide his bump whenever he leaves the house, even when the temperature outside isn't fitting for them. He looks at his growing stomach every day in the mirror and once a week he takes a photo adding it to his keepsakes book.

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