Coming out as trans

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This was requested forever ago and I finally finished it

This is more written to the ftm or ftnb experience cause that's what I'm more familiar with but anyway can enjoy!  Though I do mention boy ones

Also! For more "boys reacting to binders" check out my friends post! (Fictional babe fluff hours) Has a longer one and I was inspired for some of this by them! She's super talented so go check her out!


"I'm trans..."


- He blinks for a few seconds

- Like you can seeeeee the gears turning in his head

- "Oh okay"

- Pretty much goes back to what he was doing

- Jk but he doesn't make the biggest deal of it

- At the time

- Ones you come out to his parents

- The next time you come over

- Expect a cake

- "Congrats on coming out!"

- With your name and pronouns on it

- He's just very proud of you

- And great full for you telling him

- If you ever feel dysphoric he's there to help

- Legit anyway he can

- You also mention ones needing a binder

- And he goes "I have binders at my house. Do you want some? Would they make you feel better?"

- You explain to him that it's a different type of binder

- He then proceeds to look down at his OWN chest and press his hands against his pecs

- Trying to imagine how a binder would work

- But he always has a hoodie for you

- Like everywhere

- Normally smells like him cause he was wearing it

- He at first didn't set reminders for your binder

- Mostly cause he didn't know

- But he somehow always finds a place for you to change your binder



- bby boy wasn't fully exposed to this type of thing

- Growing up with wolves do that to you ig

- So just have like a sit down talk and explain

- Eventually gets it

- He's a smart cookie

- Probably doesn't think about a pronoun and name change so you'll have to tell him

- He does the best he can to be supportive!

- He doesn't slip much, the max is like a few days he does ones in a while but after like 5 days or doesn't happen anymore

- Feels very bad after

- Again you'll have to explain dysphoria

- Even after you explain he doesn't understand so he doesn't separate research

- This caused him to do research about binding

- Safest ways to bind, best binders, things like that

- Including binding tape!

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