getting closer

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(A/n: I know I take a long time to update and I'm sorry but to be chapters are pretty long like each preference has over 600 words plus like this fic isn't my #1 priority so I think it evens out kinda....doesn't stop my brain from having imposter syndrome. )

Content warning:
- Cursing (As always)
- Brief mention of domestic violence (In Hearths part it's mentioned you're in a abusive relationship. This is a very sensitive topic so if you think it will be triggering please don't read)
- Idk if this counts but in Hearths parts it's also mentioned that you're half elf or have some elf blood in you


(y/n)=Your name (you knew that lol)

(y/n/n)=your nick name

(f/s)=favorite snack

(b/n)=Boyfriend name



You and Percy had been spending a lot of time together since that especially hot weekend. It was now kind of a tradition for the two of you to spend Saturday's at the beach together.

You walked out your cabin with a towel in one hand and a bag in the other. It mostly just had water and a few snacks since it seemed Percy always forgot to bring his own.

You headed straight towards the beach, there wasn't to many kids today which was better since hanging out with Percy can get tiring since he kinda has fans girls following him around. (Shhhh go with it lmao) You understood why, he was a hero, really funny, nice, really good looking and- 'wait why am I thinking that?' you were a bit confused by your own thoughts, sure you thought all those things about Percy but never so? Passionately? It freaked you out a bit.

As you walked you suddenly felt your feet hit the harm sand and the smell of ocean hit your nose. How long where you spaced out? You weren't sure but you blushed lightly as you looked up to see Percy waving and calling your name.

"(Y/n)! Over here!" you walked close to him and noticed two kayaks sitting next to him. "Hey Perce what's up?" You handed him a water bottle and set your things down next to his.

"Oh thanks (y/n/n) I forgot my own." He scratched the back of his neck has he blushed. "It's fine. I knew you would that's why I brought extra!" you opened your bag to reveal multiple bottles of water, more than you could drink on your own.

"Why did you bring that much?" Percy laughed setting his current bottle in the sand. "'Cause you always drink like 30 bottles!" you teased him taking your shirt off. "I do not!" his pout was adorable, he always looked like a baby seal or something.

Looking at him you raised an eyebrow waiting for him to admit he's wrong. A moment of just staring at each other he let out an annoyed but playful breath. "Fine! I admit! But to be fair! I'm a growing boy I need lot's of water to stay healthy!"

"I guess you are right" You took a big gulp of water before setting down your bottle next to Percy's. "What's with the kayaks?" you finished slipping off the rest of your clothes so that you were just wearing your bathing suit.

"What do you think we're going to do with two kayaks, while we're at the beach, on a nice day" His voice held a teasing tone as he poked at your side. "Yeah yeah really funny." You lightly pushed him into the sand.

"Lets go it'll be fun!" He stood up quickly, grabbed you by the arm and picked up a paddle handing it to you.

"I don't know Perce I've never been kayaking before." As he started picking up the first kayak to move it to the water his head shot in your direction. "Well then you have to!"

Hero's of Olympus and Magnus Chase x reader Preferences/ scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now