We meet again

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SIGH as some of you may know wattpad said "fuck you Lilli" and deleted 2 parts from this chapter but I didn't realize this till later on so I'm here to say I'VE WRITEN JASON AND FRANKS PART IF YOU WANT TO READ IT I'm really sorry I need to learn to just write on google docs

Btw tere is cursing in the chapter, as expected with me lmao, so just to let you know. Mostly in Alex's part btw.

Franks part got deleted for some reason??????? thanks wattpad *cough* fuck you *cough* so I wrote it. It's also longer than normal because I felt bad


You hadn't been able to talk to Percy since your first day at camp, which was around a week ago. You had planned on talking to him during the campfire, but turns out that you were extremely tired and passed out once you got to the Hermes cabin.

So now you were laying on your back in the strawberry field, the strong scent of strawberry's wafted around, it was almost sickening. After a few minutes you picked yourself up, dusted off your jeans and started walking towards the sword fighting arena.

The walk was very tortures, Mr D thought it would be a great idea to get in a fight with his brother, Apollo and now camp was suffering. In the back of your head you reminded yourself to go for a swim later in the day.

As you walked towards the arena you saw a familiar face, Percy Jackson was training agents a dummy that he had completely destroyed.

His foot movements kicking up dirt and dust, creating a small cloud around his feet.

You watched him for a few minutes, he was amazing. No wonder people called him the best sword fighter, the evidence was before you. After another minute he stopped hacking away at the poor dummy and bent down to grab his water bottle, taking a sip before poring it over his head. Oddly enough the water didn't wet him, he remand as dry as before, save from the copious amount of sweat on him.

When he turned around he spotted you immediately, giving a bright smile and wave.

"Hey (Y/n)!" his voice was light and happy as he walked over to where you stood. "Hi Percy." you returned the greeting smiling at him.

"I was looking forward to seeing you at campfire, what happened?" his lips pulled downward almost like he was half pouting. "Oh yeah, I just blacked out once I got to the Hermes cabin" you laughed hoping he would understand and not get upset.

His expression lightened and he laughed as well "Oh well I guess that makes sense" a few moments of silence passed. "So,,,where you checking me out or something?" he asked teasingly, a smug grin played on his lips.

"What? No!" your face reddened at the implication "I just came here to train, and you were already here, and you just looked cool and-" you were cut off by a light hearted laugh. "I was only joking though now I kinda think you were." he sent a small wink your way before containing. "But how about I show you a little, y'know like train ya'?"

Considering he was like the best sword fighter like almost every you instantly said yes.

After almost on hour of training, you had gotten way to over heated and you called it.

"Hey um Perce?" He only hummed as he drank from another bottle of water.

"I think I'm getting to hot for this, I'm going to jump into the lake and cool off" you started taking off your armor and setting it back to where Percy and gotten it.

"Oh cool, I was gonna head there soon. If you don't mind me joining you?" He smiled at you, seeing if you had any objections.

You only smirked and shook her head. "No objections over here, let's get going it's so hot"

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