5. The Epic Food Fight and Hippocampi

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When we got back to the shore, I heard the dinner bell ring. We tied the canoe to the dock and put the paddles in it. Then, we got out and stepped onto the grass.

"Dinner time!" I exclaimed. "I'm in the mood for Dr. Pepper and some chicken!"

"I want a turkey sandwich and Coke," Savannah smiled.

"I don't care what I get. I'm starving!" Hannah exclaimed. "Like, seriously!"

We all sped up our pace. Kate said she was going to go catch up with Becca and ran off. The four of us were left alone and eventually got to the dinner table. I wished for chicken, fries and a Dr. Pepper, and it magically came to life.

"Sweet! I love this!" I exclaimed.

"Hey there," Hannah elbowed me. "How was your first day at camp?!"

"Great!" I exclaimed. Kate slid into the seat to my left. She smiled at me, and Becca was next to Kate. I guessed they were best friends. Maybe Hannah, Evie, Savannah and I could become best friends. No. We were best friends.

"Great to hear that," Kate added. "Camp is so fun. What was your favorite part?"

"I..." I started. I thought of the amazing pegasus ride, the epic movie-like jump into the lake and the amazing yet hilarious singing mini-concert. We were all acting very immature but... who the Hades cared? It was all fun.

"I didn't have a favorite part," I replied. "It was all amazing. I mean.. If I had to pick it'd be spending the day with my new half-blood friends."

"Aww!" Hannah hugged me. "You're so sweet! We love you too."

SLAM!! A bowl of spaghetti slammed into my head. I whipped around angrily and saw Brooke's blood-red hair. It actually looked seriously creepy. She and her friends were snickering. I knew she did it. That little- that little...!

"Brooke!" Hannah shrieked. "No!"

Kate fired a glass of Coke at Brooke. It hit her hair and drenched it. I ducked. It was not a food FIGHT anymore...

It was a food WAR!!!

And unfortunately, Brooke and her siblings' father was the god of war.

"FOOD FIGHT!" I heard a guy's voice.

I threw a casserole at some random person. It hit a random camper in the head. Then, a pie hit me in the stomach. I think they were aiming for my head.

"Oh crap!" I exclaimed. I wished for a pie and hit Brooke in the back of the head. I started to laugh.

"Yes! Score!" Hannah exclaimed. I saw Savannah run over with Evie.

"This is fun but I'll need a shower!" Evie said. "I'll also probably use some of that magical hair conditioner that my mom gave me. It gets out knots. I need to-"

She was interrupted by a pie in the face. Most people were getting the pie-in-the-face treatment. I saw Brooke and her friends laughing.

"My hair!" Evie shrieked. "Brooke!!!!"

"THIS IS NOT OVER!" I screamed. I jumped on the table and knocked some food off.

"Bring it!" Brooke screamed. "Chicken! Bawk bawk BA-"

She was interrupted by one of Evie's siblings throwing a pie at her face. They were mad at her for ruining Evie's outfit and hair. The pie hit Brooke in the face. I pointed and laughed.

"Hey! It's not nice to talk about yourself!" I teased.


"BROOKE IS A CHICKEN!" Hannah, Evie, Savannah and I all screamed in unison. We started to do the chicken dance. It was fun!

And that's when all Hades broke lose.

I threw a pie at Brooke, who threw one at Savannah, who threw one at another one of Brooke's siblings. Tonight, no one would get away without food on them!

Brooke threw a pie at me, but I dodged. I threw coke con Savannah's back. She turned around and gave me a look.

"HEY!" she screamed. "I'm on your team!"

"IT'S A FREE-FOR-ALL!" Hannah shouted, throwing a pie at Evie.

Evie threw a glass of soda at me. I threw a pie at Hannah. Hannah threw a pie at Brooke. Savannah threw a pie at Evie.

"WHO STARTED THIS?!" Chiron screamed.

I'm guessing he didn't look happy because there was food all over him...

I pointed at Brooke along with basically everyone else.

"Brooke!" Chiron scolded. "Cleaning duty for a month! And you can start right now!"

"Come on." Savannah, Evie, Hannah and I ran to the mini-pier on the beach shore. It was for campers who wanted to watch but not get wet. My dad and his half-brother Tyson had met some hippocampi here. Tyson had named one Rainbow.

"Is it true that Percy Jackson- your dad- ACTUALLY rode a hippocampi?!" Evie asked.

"Yeah. Boy, do we have food all over." I looked down. I was covered in pie. "Want to take a dip in the water?"

"Epic!" Savannah called.

"True," Hannah added. "And yes."

Evie jumped right in. She knew how to get food out of her precious hair. Hannah followed her, and started rinsing off. Savannah hesitated.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked. "Go in! You scared?!"

"No thanks!" Savannah smiled in return. "I don't want to."

"Why?" I asked. "Chicken!"

"I don't want to." she replied. "I don't like the fish pee and poop place."

"Oh." I replied, turning around. Then I turned around and suddenly shoved her into the water. She screamed. I did a back-flip into the water.

"Emily!" Savannah sighed. "No!"

"Yes!" I splashed her, and all the food washed off of me. I saw a rainbow-colored spec in the water. Hippocampi.

"But fish pee and poop here! And they're weird and scaly!" Savannah cried.

"I'm an Aphrodite kid! You can do this, just like me!" Evie smiled. "I look so CUTE with wet hair. And the fish live way out there."

"AHHHHH!" Savannah hollered. A hippocampi was rising out of the water.

"Rainbow?" I asked. The horse-like creature nodded as if to say that he was Rainbow. I saw more coming, too...

"Anyone want a ride?!" I smiled at Rainbow and climbed on his back.

Soon Savannah, Evie, Hannah and I were all riding the hippocampi. It was amazing!

When we returned after our short ride, I thanked the hippocampi. They swam off and I waved.

"Thank you!" I called.

"So that's a hippocampi." Savannah exclaimed. "Emily. Look!"

The hippocampi were dancing in the water. I smiled and sat on the mini-pier with my friends, my legs dangling in the water.

"Should we head back?" Hannah asked. "It's getting kind of late."

We ended up heading back and parting ways. I walked into my cabin and put on some pajamas- pretty sea green ones with owls. As soon as my head hit my pillow, I fell asleep.

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