16. Parents to the Rescue... Sort Of

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"Mom?!" I looked around. "Dad?! What the Hades?! What are you doing here?! Did you follow me?!"

Atlas smiled again. "They were caught sneaking around the Titan camp."

"What?!" I turned Riptide back into a pen and stuck it in my pocket, then ran over. "Mom? Dad? What?!"

"Emily." My dad looked up. "We couldn't just let you die."

"We got Zeus' permission not to blast us out of the sky and flew." My mom also looked up.

"Oh..." I sighed. "You didn't have to."

"Awwww!" Evie smiled. "So cute."

"Evie, shut up." I heard a slap.

"Ow!" Evie cried.

My mom and dad had come to try and save me. They know I was in trouble.

"Aww. Sweet, sweet." Prometheus snarled. "Now you can go back to fighting monsters. Then we will discuss further if you remain alive."

He snapped his fingers and the monsters were back. Savannah and I teamed up. She shot a hellhound in the nose. I stabbed it in the paw, and while it was distracted, climbed into its back. Then I stabbed my sword straight down. Dead hellhound.

"One down, ten million to go." Savannah sighed.

"Actually, it's more like fifty." I objected.

Savannah laughed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah. I was exaggerating."

"GET THEM!" Brooke screamed.

"We have to break her confidence," I heard Prometheus mutter. "And her parents'.

"But how?" Atlas asked.

"I've got it!" Prometheus then whispered to Atlas.

"EVIE! Behind you!" I saw a dragon about to torch her, and she moved. She then faced it with...makeup.

Big surprise.

"Trust me!" She knew I was staring. She grabbed her mascara bottle and the top screw-in was a huge glib of mascara. She threw it at the dragon's eyes, and that hurt it. Ooh... Point for Evie. Makeup to the rescue!

A dragon knocked me over. I've got cuts all over me? What the Hades. Who cares?!

I saw a group of pegasi tied to a tree. I ran over and cut the rope that held them.

Thank you, one thought. The brown one nodded and then joined the others.

"Go to Camp Half-Blood." I smiled and let them fly away.

"This is entertaining." The Titans had popcorn! Screw them.

I slashed a dragon's head while it wasn't looking. I then decided to go help Hannah with what few monsters were left. We eventually has one left- a Hydra.

"Where's Leo when you need him?!" I remembered Leo's fire power. Awesome!

"I have no clue." Hannah replied.

"I do not care." Brooke sighed.

"Where are the gods?!" Evie asked. "We need them!"

"Yeah, too bad I wasn't born with fire power!" Carter joked.

"I wish!" Hannah sighed.

"Leo's fire power is epic. I've seen it!" I remembered that. Luckily he didn't burn anything down.

"So now we face those Titans!" Savannah groaned.

"They're going to kill us!" Evie wailed.

"Strip us to pieces!"

"Sell us as slaves!"

"Eat us!"

"Chill. We've got this all taken care of." Hannah pulled a string and rocks crashed over top of it. Atlas and Prometheus dropped their popcorn.

"So you survived!" Prometheus exclaimed. "We did not expect you to live."

"Well, we did." Hannah rolled her eyes.

"Game's over, Atlas." I pointed Riptide at them. "Let my parents go. They don't have anything you want!"

I noticed my team was panting heavily. Hopefully, the monsters were in Tartarus for awhile. We all had cuts and bruises.

"Oh, really?" Atlas asked. "They were fighting some of our men. She had a dagger and he had borrowed a sword since you have his."

"So?! You're the enemy!" I pointed out. I saw water. We were on an island. I winked at my dad and motioned to the water. Poseidon. He smiled and winked back.

"True, true." Prometheus admitted. "But we don't appreciate spies. Did you see what happened to Gwendolyn here?"

"You whipped her to death." I remember. "She didn't deserve it!"

"She was a spy!" Prometheus hissed. "She was a Camp Half-Blood and Olympus spy."

"Hold them back!" Atlas barked. My hands were thrust behind my back by the Charlie boy. My friends, Brooke and Carter were all tied up and gagged.

"Ow!" I muttered. "Let me go!"

"I can't," Charlie whispered in his high-pitched voice. "My advice is to be quiet unless you want to get hurt."

I decided to be quiet. Atlas nodded approvingly at Charlie. Charlie might not be the worst one here.

"Let him go." Atlas pointed at my dad. "Bring the little girl and the blonde over to here and here."

LITTLE GIRL?! Titan dude. I'm twelve, thank you very much. Try young adult or teenager.

He pointed at two spots. I stood on one, my mom standing on the other. There were cuts on my face. I looked over at my mom. We were, what, a foot apart?"

"Closer... closer... Too far! Perfect." My mom and I were a little closer. I looked over at her, and she sighed and shook her head. No plan.

"Now, Perseus Jackson." Atlas smiled evilly. "You choose."

"Choose what?" My dad and I were confused.

My mom looked like she'd just seen a spider crawling on her. I didn't like spiders but I wasn't going to scream and run away if I saw one. I'd just step on it and kill it, then throw it out.

"You've got to choose between your daughter, Emily Jackson, or your wife, Annabeth Chase." Prometheus and Atlas both gave my dad a hearty backslap.

"Good luck!" some Titan called out jokingly.

"Choose the little girl. She's hot!" anther Titan called.

I'm not hot and I'm not dating a Titan! No way in Hades would that happen!

"SILENCE!" Prometheus hissed.

"There's no escape for either of them. We will kill one once you've made the choice. The island is surrounded by traps. One of which prevents you from accessing the water." Atlas looked at the island.

That explained it. The more I tried, the more I lost my strength.

"I can sense you trying. Don't. It will weaken you." Charlie whispered. "Shh."

Charlie was giving helpful advice, so I decided to go with it. Plus, he was the nicest Titan not-spying demigod I had met.

"I can't," my dad whispered. I'd never seen him more scared in my life. I was freaked out, too!

"Choose one!" Atlas hissed. "Or you will not like the alternative."

"You won't," Charlie whispered in my ear. "Nor would anyone but Atlas and the Titans. I think it's sick."

I nodded slightly, and moved my arm. Charlie let me have a little slack. I just acted like I was uncomfortable. Thanks. He really was nice. Just corrupted, maybe?

The Titans' trap was inescapable. Mom died or I died.

"Choose, Jackson. The girl or the wife. One never breathes again. You and the other walk out perfectly unharmed. It's all on you now. So choose now."

Oh, no...

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