7. I Win a Trip Through Time

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Omg guys I'm SO sorry about not updating D: I don't know if I can a lot but I will when I can in summer because I have this thing called Duke Tip and two summer trips D:


The next day, camp was back to its normal self. Ares kids were bickering. Aphrodite kids were holding mirrors. Apollo kids were shooting arrows and singing.I walked around with my friends.

"What now?" I asked. "There's nothing to do."

"Um..." Hannah thought. "Maybe we could go swimming again? Or maybe we could shoot more arrows/archery?"

"NO. ARCHERY." Evie snapped.

"NO. SWIMMING." Savannah muttered.

"We could... I don't know what we could do." Kate thought. "But I have to go see what Becca's doing." She ran off.


"What was that?!" I asked.

"Let's go find out!" I sprinted towards the sound. It had hit the borders of camp. Other campers apparently just didn't care or didn't hear. Savannah, Evie, Hannah and I sprinted towards the crashing sound.

"Oh, Doctor!" I heard a female voice. It sounded British. "Where are we?"

I pulled out Riptide. Savannah aimed her new bow. Evie pulled out her makeup. Hannah grabbed a stick. We walked over. I pointed Riptide at the newcomers. They immediately put their hands up.

It was a man with brown hair and a brown trench coat. He looked around 30 or 40 years old. He looked innocent. But one would never know...

His friend was a blonde girl. She was wearing a normal outfit- gray t-shirt and black shorts. Her hair was in a pony tail. I gave them a stare down and then lowered Riptide.

"I'm Emily Jackson, daughter of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. These girls are my friends. Now who the Hades are you?" I asked.

"I'm the Doctor and this is Rose." The man pointed to the blonde woman.

Evie stepped forward and fixed her lipstick. "Evie Smith. Why are you here?"

"We crashed," Rose answered. "This is our ship. Um- where exactly are we?"

"Camp Half-Blood." Savannah answered. "Name's Savannah Ledge. Don't try anything it we'll attack."

"The odds are four trained demigods to two normal, untrained people, and so we'd most likely win." Hannah stated. "Savannah's right."

"That's a fictional place," the Doctor objected. "Please tell us where we are."

"You want proof that camp is real?" I asked.

"Yes," Rose replied.

I pulled out Riptide. "Celestial bronze. Have you read the Percy Jackson series?"

Rick Riordan was actually a demigod. He wrote about Dad's adventures after they happened to cover the real one up. Some of it was fiction too. Like the part with the blue delta. Rachel could open it since she has clear sight. Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank and Jason were also real and doing something.

"Celestial bronze hurts gods, demigods and monsters," Rose added. "I've read them. That looks like Riptide. You know, Percy Jackson's sword. And to your heritage, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase never had a daughter!"

"Yes, it is." I nodded. "What do you know? Look at the eyes." I pulled back my side bangs to show her.

"Sea green," Rose said.

I nodded. "Emily Jackson, the real-life daughter of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Not from a fanfiction or anything. I'm real. So's Riptide. Try it."

"So? You might have colored contacts," Rose snapped. "I don't believe this. Give me the stupid sword."

"Don't call Riptide stupid or else," I threatened.

Rose grabbed it and poked her arm. It hit her arm and left no marks.

"Clear sighted mortal," I noted. "It didn't hurt you."

"Yes," Savannah nodded. "You're right."

"And if I were a demigod, it would hurt me." I grabbed Riptide. "Wouldn't it, Rose?"

"Yes," Rose answered. "Because celestial bronze hurts demigods, mosters and gods."

"Emily! No!" Hannah objected. "Don't."

"That's Hannah Casey, just so you know." Savannah stuck her thumb out.

I turned to Hannah. "She doesn't believe me. I will be FINE." I then turned back to the Doctor and Rose.

I took Riptide and poked the blade onto my pinky finger. It sank in a little, then I pulled it out. Blood came out. I wiped it off.

"Demigod." I turned Riptide into a pen again. It went in my jacket pocket.

"Yo- What- that's like the Doctor!" Rose exclaimed. "He-"

"I'm an alien. From the planet Gallifrey," the Doctor revealed.

"HAHA!" Hannah laughed.

"How dumb do you think we are?!" Savannah challenged.

"We're not that ditzy!" Evie objected.

"What do you want here?" I asked. "We fought off a dragon recently. We can fight you too."

"No!" Rose exclaimed. "We- we crashed here. Please, just let us go. Unless.... Do you want to go to Ancient Greece, or anywhere else?"

"It's a time machine. And a starship," this Doctor explained. "It can go backwards or forwards in time and space."

"Who are you?" Savannah asked. "Rose and the Doctor. But the question of the day... Hannah?"

"Doctor who?" Hannah asked. "Doctor who?"

"Just the Doctor," the Doctor explained. "Nothing more."

"Wait. How do you fit inside the... 'Police Public Call Box' thingy?" I looked at the top of the blue box. "It's like, freaking tiny."

"Bigger on the inside." The Doctor opened the door.

"Like we'd believe that!" Savannah laughed.

"Seriously. How?" Evie asked.

"We just told you!" Rose objected. She sighed.

"Come on, girls. Might as well see..." I led the way into the box thing. It was BIGGER ON THE INSIDE.

"Oh..." Evie looked around.

"My..." Savannah lowered her bow.

"Gods..." I finished. HOLY HERA!!!!!!!!! HOW...?!

"Holy Hera." Hannah dropped her stick. She knew exactly what I was thinking.

"That's amazing," Savannah whispered.

"I know," Evie added.

"So majestic." I looked around the room.

"I have to see the architecture blueprints," Hannah sighed. "Oh my gods."

"Time and Relative Dimensions in Space." Rose clarified. "Usually called the TARDIS."

"TARDIS," I echoed. "Sounds weird."

"We don't insult the sword, don't insult the TARDIS," the Doctor said. "She's alive. The TARDIS."

"...creepy..." Savannah whispered.

"This thing can travel back in time and space, yes?" I asked.

"Yes," the Doctor answered.

"Take me to the Battle of Emily." I had to meet this Emily girl. "Same location. July 18, 2002. Same location. Camp Half-Blood. Prove it travels in time."

The Doctor pulled a lever and we were off. It was a bumpy ride! I hung onto the side of the navigation.

"Camp Half-Blood, or wherever we are, July 18, 2002. Right out that door."

Demigods and Time Travel // Percy Jackson fanfiction // Doctor Who fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now