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~A Few Hours Ago~

~Winter's POV~

"What do you want, Douse?" I sat down at a meeting between a bunch of heroes.

"That should be obvious, shouldn't it? What the hell are we doing about this 'Sphyx' guy?"

"Sphyx? Listen, I know your boyfriend died, and I'm sorry, I really am. But the rest of us don't have a death wish."

"So we should just let him roam free?! Aren't we supposed to be heroes? Isn't this the exact thing we're SUPPOSED to be fighting?!"

I scoffed. "Didn't see this initiative when Ignite went missing."

Douse stiffened, then turned toward me. "What'd you say? I couldn't quite hear you?"

"Am I wrong? You were with Ignite for what, a year? Ignite goes missing, and you don't even miss a beat and start dating Zephyr. Talk about easy."

"Oh, I'm easy? Aren't you the one who was spreading her legs for Ignite any chance she got while I was dating him?"

My face burned. I quickly stood up, walking up to Douse. "At least I didn't ch-"

"Come on guys, let's all calm down a little." One of the Wild Things said. I'm not even going to try to distinguish who's who. "We're all a little freaked out right now. We lost our two strongest heroes in the span of a few weeks, and now we have a maniac strong enough to kill one of them running around the city. We can't be going at each other's throats right now."

After a few more seconds of us glaring at each other, Douse turned away.

"Whatever. I don't have time to argue with some C-Class hero."


"Levia, drop it." The other half of the Wild Things said. "It's not worth it."

I open my mouth to say something but decide against it.

"What's your plan Douse?"

"We all need to go out on patrol, every night, all night. When one of us sees them, call for backup, and do not engage. Wait for all of us to arrive. He was able to kill Zephyr, who knows how strong he is." Douse looked around at everyone. "Everyone in?"

Everyone looks around and agrees, some sounding reluctant. The last time heroes of any city got this nervous was when Raijū first appeared.

~Present Day~

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I looked at the assembled group in front of me, honestly a little nervously. The Twins with animal powers, a very pissed Douse, an unknown Geomancer, an Absorbing Man knock-off, and Levia as support. I can't hurt Levia, that's for sure. The Twins...they can stand a bit of a beating, but still... I don't want this fight. Seriously. I would love nothing more than to get revenge on Douse, but these others don't deserve this.

"Listen...I don't want this fight. You're all important to this city in other ways...just not in a heroic way, you know?"

"Shut up." The Geomancer snarled. "You've brought fear and death into this city so we're going to take you out of it."

"Besides-" Absorbing Man spoke up. "-It's a chance to fight someone strong enough to kill the city's best hero. I'm gonna turn your bones into paste."

I looked at Douse, "Wow. Charming, aren't they? I'm really feeling the warm welcome. So, you put a group of heroes together. What's next, you're gonna call yourselves the Devengers? Maybe the League of Justice? You're a bunch of—" I ducked under a launched rock then rolled to the side to avoid a swing from a mallet.

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