Smoke Signals

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

All I could see when I opened my eyes was the dark, which means I couldn't see much of anything. I turned my head in every direction, however there was nothing but the horizon. I tried taking a step but it felt like I was ankle deep in water, the ripples continuing far past what my vision allowed.

"Hello?" I called "Can anyone hear me?" There was no answer other than my own echo before that too, faded.

Suddenly, everything erupted into fire.

The void was replaced with a searing flame, everywhere other than a small clearing around me was now a roaring inferno. Smoke whirled and made shapes, swirling around me as I turned round and round.

"Turn and turn little hero. Look who is responsible for the darkness!" A hoarse voice spoke from beyond the flames, echoing around me, "You are no longer any better than any of the villains you used to stop." The water slowly began to pull me under, like a monster grabbing at my feet.

"You're wrong! I'm only killing the ones that can't be saved! I'm still the hero!" I shouted as I struggled against the murky depths.

The voice laughed from the darkness, A deep and dark sound "Then little hero...." The smoke swirled and coalesced As Sphyx grabbed my throat and I looked past my own broken mask, into my own black eyes, tinged with the sparks of hatred he spoke; "What's the plan when it's you who can't be saved?" My eyes widened and he plunged me all the way under.

I started falling. Falling down into a pit of nothingness. '...Am I...doing the right thing?' I wrestled with my thoughts before my falling came to an abrupt stop.

As I floated in the void I began to catch glimpses of...scenes? Or snippets of conversations. I couldn't fully make out what was being said before I suddenly jolted awake, staring at an unfamiliar ceiling.

I was on a couch, and was covered in bandages yet...I didn't feel any pain? "How...?" I stared in amazement at my chest and body in general. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice

"I know a thing or two about patching up." May spoke from...where had she come from? She was sitting on the floor next to me. Her eyes looked tired yet somehow...happy? "Used that workshopping class and made a Health Kit from a video game, since those heal everything and my power makes that real I just sorta slapped you with it until you stopped looking like death. Left me tired as all hell though..."

I stared at her for a long while, she stared back, looking increasingly nervous before I spoke up. "You're...overpowered..." I sweat dropped.

She grinned and smacked my chest. "Don't worry, I know." Her expression then turned a bit sour. "So...are we gonna talk about why you showed up at my door dying and in the mask and uniform of the killer on the news?" I felt my face pale, but...maybe she'd understand? She did mug me at first.

"May...if I tell you something, you have to promise not to tell anyone else, okay?"

She vehemently nodded in agreement. I sighed, and told her everything. About how I was Ignite, my time with Douse, her eventual betrayal and Zephyr's part in it. I told her about my Twist, and then the events leading up to me killing him. Then finally about Douse and her team jumping me. I left out that I knew the Twins personally, or Winter.

By the time I had finished telling her everything, she had tears in her eyes. She smacked my chest again, then hugged me. "I'm so sorry...that's horrible. To have such a good thing ripped away from you..."

I just looked at her blankly. " don't mind the killing people now?"

She shrugged, "I've seen the type of people you've been killing. Luckily, I managed to avoid really doing anything more than stealing, but those guys...good riddance."

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