Smoky Justice

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

It's been a few days or so since I...killed Zephyr. I'm not entirely sure how long it's been, I've holed myself up again. I thought I had gotten used to killing, but after the anger of what he had done to me had passed, I realized what I had actually done. He deserved it, but I keep asking myself...was it right?

Well, I was going to continue to dwell in my dark thoughts and fall into a deeper pit of depression, but unfortunately, there are a few people who won't let me.

"So...did you have to kick my door down?"

"Doesn't matter! We're going somewhere and you're gonna enjoy yourself or I'm gonna beat your ass." Willow said rather annoyedly as she grabbed my arm. "Now, get up. I'm tired of you being miserable."

I sighed. "I don't want to go anywhere right now though, I just want to sit in the dark for a bit, I.." Winter cut me off.

"You seem to be suffering from some undiagnosed depression or something, so it's either you go on this outing to make you feel better, or I'm sending you to several therapists I know."

I shivered "Please no. I'll do anything but that." I'd actually rather jump off a bridge.

"What's been up with you? A few days ago it seemed like you had a weight lifted off your chest, and now it's back ten-fold." Concern plagued Winter's voice.

I chuckled. It's a little scary how accurate that was.

"I've just...had a lot on my mind. That's all. Promise."

Winter stared at me for a few more seconds, then sighed. "Fine, if you say so."

"Great, does that mean I do-"

"You're still coming with us." Willow stated. Well, that was shut down fast.

~Time Skip~

I was dragged to the mall...again. Frankly, I'm more surprised they repaired all the damage that madman did the last time I was here.

Willow almost immediately disappeared into some punk store for more jackets and shirts with offensive things on them. Winter was going to stay with me, but Willow had made some passing comment about how it would become a 'date' and then Winter kicked my shin and walked off. I literally didn't even say a word.

So! The two people who dragged me here to make me feel better left me alone in a place I didn't want to be in, so I did what any sad person would do.

I ordered food. What better way to feel better than being unhealthy?

I sat at a table along the edge of the food court. I didn't trust the center after the last incident, and as I looked around at all the people, I had a thought.

'These people are still so happy, even after two of their heroes died. They don't care in the end, this city has plenty of people who get powers and go to fight evil. But we still never get anything fucking done. People keep committing crimes, powered villains and Twisted people keep killing innocent people. I have to pick up the slack, to keep killing the ones who fuck up, the ones I can't let back into society.' Zephyr's face before he died flashed through my mind, and I shuttered. "He was a horrible person, but...he WAS a decent hero."

I shook my head, staring at my untouched food. "I lost my appetite."'d be a shame if it were to go to waste." I picked up the tray and walked outside. There are homeless people around every corner in this trash hole of a city.

Silently, I walked up to one and placed the tray in front of them, then started to walk away. His eyes lit up at the sight of a full meal.

"T-Thank you! Thank you!"

Twisted (Male Reader x Super Hero Harem)Where stories live. Discover now