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~Ignite's POV~

The street was a mess. Civilians panicking and running in every direction, screaming their heads off. The bank was missing a huge chunk of wall, exposing the interior of the vault, and the one responsible was attempting to shoot me.

"Armory! You really gotta stop this! I'm tired of your shit!" I yelled from behind a car. While normally bullets would melt upon hitting me, since her weapons are part of her power they're modified slightly.

"Stop what, Dear?~" She stopped firing. "I need this money! If we're gonna go on fun dates, I need to be able to treat you!"

"How many times do I have to tell you we aren't dating you psycho bitch!" I called out.

"Aww, don't be like that! You'll break my heart if you say such mean things to me." She wiped a fake tear away from her face, then pulled out a hand grenade, seemingly out of nowhere. Then, she threw it at the car I'm behind.

"Fuck." I dove out from behind the car, just in time to avoid the explosion. "Where the fuck did you even get a fucking grenade?!"

"Well, if I told you that, it wouldn't be a secret anymore, now would it Dear?" She winked at me.

I sighed, then absorbed the flames from the explosion "You should know better than this by now Armory, come on!"

She pulled out a M134, also known as a Minigun. "There's no way that's military grade..." I muttered.

"No hard feelings, okay Sweetie?" She gave me a psychotic smile, before she opened fire on me.

I tried my best to avoid the hail of bullets, quickly blasting jets of fire to move faster and to get to better cover, but even with my flames, I wasn't fast enough to avoid them all.

"Agh!" I crashed to the ground, clutching at my right leg. I looked at my leg, and it was riddled with bullet holes. "Fuck! That really fucking hurts! Levia is gonna fucking murder me!" Blood and flames were seeping out of my leg at an alarming rate, it's gonna be one of those days.

Slowly, I tried standing, but collapsed. "Hey Armory?! ALL THE HARD FEELINGS FOR THIS!" I've been hit and shot a lot, but this one was gonna be among the worst. You could practically see the barely intact bone in my leg. Meanwhile, Armory faked a gasp "But...Dear! I only need to make sure you can't move around! I don't want to tear up self but I have to—" she was cut off by a rather...violent blast of water.

"You fucking bitch!" I heard Douse, venom laced her words.

"Douse!" I yelled, very happy to see her arrive at the perfect moment again. She then turned and shot me the coldest glare I've seen yet. "Oh...Uh...Don't worry about the leg!" I managed to stammer out, no longer happy to see her arrive. "Please...don't kill me?"

She scoffed, before turning her attention to Armory.

"You're gonna have bigger issues to worry about Hothead." Another female voiced, once again laced with venom, said from behind me.

I felt the color drain from my face. Slowly and shakily, I turned my head and saw Levia. "O-O-Oh...h-hi...Levia."

Her cold glare faltered when she saw the condition I was in.

"Oh my god, Ignite! Your leg!" She ran over to me. She was visibly shaking, and I could see tears forming in her eyes. "I-I'll try to fix it! I told you yesterday! What if I can't fix everything!? You go and try to prove me right so damn soon?!?" Tears were actually running down her face now, and I could feel a pain in my chest. I can't believe...I worried Levia this much.

"I'm sorry..." I wiped away her tears, and tried to give her my best smile, albeit a little strained. "L-Look I'll make this right okay? I won't do it again. I promise."

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