A Day Off

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~(Y/n)'s POV~


I could feel myself waking up. Nooooo...

"Five more...minutes..." I muttered.

"AHEM!" I heard the same voice.

"May...I said five more minutes..."

"May...huh?" A familiar voice sounded.

That's...not May...Oh Shi—

I opened my eyes, the light burning my retinas. A silhouette came into view. Long, dark hair...ribbons holding them into twintails...Oh no--

My eyes widened when I realized who it was.

"C-Cass! What are you doing here?"

"Well, after knocking for five minutes, I let myself in with the key you gave me. We have plans today, remember?" A smile filled with malice spread across her face as her eyes closed. "Now, it's your turn. Who is that?"

She pointed at May who still had her head on my chest.

"L-Listen! It's not what it looks like!"

"I'd really love to know how this isn't what it looks like." Her eyebrow twitched.

I felt May start to stir awake. Her eyes slowly opened, and she looked at me, before a smile appeared on her face, and she pulled herself closer to me, while she rubbed her head into my chest.

"Good morning (Y/n)..." She sighed.

Cass's eye twitched again. "Again...please tell me how this is anything besides what it looks like."

I began to panic. Wait...why am I panicking? There's a perfectly good explanation for this! "Look! I-I told her to sleep in my bed! I volunteered to be a nice guy!"

"Really? It looks like she's in your pullout couch with you, wearing your clothes." Her fake smile disappeared, and an icy glare replaced it. "Don't lie to me."

"I-I'm not! I promise! Let me explain everything!"

For a girl with no powers, she really scares me more than any villain has, could, or ever will.

I explained to her about how May attempted to mug me, how I took her back here, and how we ended up in the same bed. May just nodded along from the table, eating cold pancakes from the morning before and adding unnecessary details about the mugging.

"I see." She looked between May and I. Then, she let out a sigh, that kind of sounded like a sigh of relief. "Sorry I misunderstood things."

"It's okay, I would probably have reacted the same way." I looked at May. "Uh, why don't you heat those up? Aren't cold pancakes kinda gross?"

"Heat...them up?" She looked at the pancakes, then put her hand on top. "Like this? With my body heat?"

"Um, no. I'm pretty sure only Ignite might be able to do that. Or anyone else with fire powers, which you clearly showed to me yesterday you don't have. Here, let me."

I took her pancakes, put my hand above the pancakes, and let out a gentle heat. I'm glad I learned how to control my heat output early on, There were quite a few accidents when I first started out. We shall never mention the shed from my parents house again...

"Here." I handed her the plate back. "There's syrup in the fridge."

She nodded and walked over to the fridge, and opened it. Then, she gasped.

"(Y/n)! Why is this big metal box so cold on the inside?"

"...She can't be serious." Cass said.

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