Chapter Four: Shawn Mendes

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Dear Diary,

I'm writing to you on a peice of paper that the driver was able to give me. Shawn is currently asleep so I have time to write. Honestly, I'm still a bit confused, I mean, it all happened very fast! He swooped in and saved me like an actual super hero. Apparently, we're going to another hotel and skipping one of his headline tour shows. I'm not exactly sure what a headline tour is but he's like a singer or something. Pretty famous, he says, especially for a sixteen year old. That explains those obnoxious teenage girls giggling like four year olds just because of his presence. He said that it all made sense to him when he listened to our conversation on the balcony, he knows who I am, he knows of the murder even though he lives in Canada because it was all over the news. Yeah, I know it was all over the news, I lived that moment everyday of my life, when cars were lined up outside trying to get some kind of word from me, not even caring that I just lost a sister, the only family member who cared about me after my grandfather died. Either way, I'm in a limo traveling with basically a stranger and I don't even know what I'm doing! Shawn could be trouble, but I didn't have a choice! Carter was coming for me and I needed to get out of there! Oh my gosh I got to go, Shawn's waking up.


The girl forever on the run,


I watch as Shawn's eyes slowly open, unaware that I'm watching him. He rubs them and starts to sit up, only to knock his shoulder into mine and jump like ten feet in the air.

"Oh my gosh! I forgot that you were here! I totally thought that hearing you get threatened by some maniac was a dream!" he tries to crack a joke but I don't smile, that wasn't a joke to me, it was real and I actually thought I was going to die.

"Too soon?" he frowns, I nod, "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to get you to smile, or talk, that would be nice also. I know nothing about you except that your name is Skylar Woods and someone wants serious revenge on you, please say something," he pleads.

I clear my throat, he deserves some kind of reply since he did save by butt back at the hotel, it's just really risky to open up to someone like this so soon.

"I don't think I should tell you," I whisper, looking away from his concerned gaze. I lick my lips, swallowing hard and trying to breathe like a normal human.

"I won't tell anyone, please," his brown eyes dig into my soul, beckoning for me to come out of hiding.

"You don't understand the dangers and risks of telling you about my life, not to mention how selfish it would be for me to drag you into it."

Tears swell in my eyes and I start to wring my hands in nervousness. I shouldn't have gotten into this car, I know I'll end up saying something to him, I know I'll find a way unintentionally drag him into my life, I know I've already messed up.

He places a warm hand over my shaking ones, trying to calm me, "it's okay, you can tell me."

I stare him right in the eyes, sucking in a deep breath. He doesn't know what he's getting into by stepping into my messed up life from the upper east side. But I can't help it, I need someone to talk to no matter how reluctant I am to baring my soul.

"My name is Skylar Woods, I'm sixteen years old and I ran away from home. My grandfather is dead, and one of my sisters is dead, the only two people who ever cared about me.

My mother is crazy and I bet if I was still at home, I'd be watching her as she forged my name on a document that said I would marry some rich bachelor who would abuse me and use me as his very own sex slave until he would give up and just murder me like my sister was.

My father knows none of this is happening because he's off on some exotic island cheating on my mother from right under her nose, and probably wouldn't even care if he did know.

My eldest sister is still alive even though I wish she was dead, or just never born in the first place, that might seem cruel to you now but maybe you'll understand where these thoughts come from when you know the whole story.

Everyone in my family is a multi-millionaire, including me and I've never had to worry about money in my entire life but I'd trade all the money in the world for even a second of happiness, where I don't have to worry about crazy men wanting revenge on me because I put their evil brother in jail for murdering my sister.

I'm living in a totally messed up world and I wouldn't be surprised or blame you if you pulled this limo over this very second and dropped me on the side of the road," I gasp, trying to catch my breath after my lecture before just breaking down into tears.

I cry for the people who I've lost, I cry for the people who might be going through the same thing, and I cry for myself, because no one should be going through this. Shawn just stares at me, trying to process everything I just said before sweeping his arms around me and cradling me in his arms while I let every ounce of liquid leave my body through my eyes.

"I n-need h-help," I stutter, "I c-can't l-live like t-this, always i-in fear."

"I know," he cooes, "I can't imagine how you've stayed this strong with nobody to talk to, but you don't need to worry, because I'll make sure you don't feel lonely. Skylar Woods, I know I just met you and this will be a hard promise to keep but as long as you're with me, I'll keep you safe."

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