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Its been a year since I found out who my dad was. It resulted in me skipping my first and second years at Hogwarts, so this is the year I'm going to go. It will be my third year. Something happened to my dad, and Mr. Malfoy won't tell me what.

But Finally. FINALLY. I'll go to Hogwarts with Draco by my side.

When we got to the platform I was nervous.

"Draco, since this is my third year and I don't have a house where should I be? I mean. I don't want to look like a weirdo, even though I am, and I don't want to be knows as the loser that skipped her first few years of Hogwarts. " I said softly. "Go sit with the first years or something." He snapped. "Sorry." I mumbled.

Then I saw his friends. Crabbe and Goyle. "So that's why you're being an ass." I said aloud. "God do you ever shut up?" I heard them snicker.

"Well I'm fucking sorry if 'his royal whiteness' is to good for the new girl. The new girl who no doubt could kick his ass." I half-shouted at him. In anger I stomped onto he train, flipping him off as I did so.

I walked down the train car until I found a place to sit. I opened the door and looked in the car. A boy with glasses and brown hair, a boy with red hair and a rat, a girl with dirty blonde hair and cat, and a man who was asleep with his jacket covering his face. They all looked at me when I opened the door.

"Uh hi. I. Uh. Is it okay if I sit here? Everywhere else is full." I looked down. I was pretty shy. "sure. You can sit next to me." The red head smiled and patted the seat next to him. "Thanks." I mumbled and sat down. "I'm Ron. Ron Weasly." He said, extending his hand. I shook it. "Phoenix." I smiled.

"I'm Hermione Granger." The girl looked at me. I smiled at her. She smiled back but only momentarily. "I'm Harry." Glasses boy spoke kindly. He to extended his hand for me to shake. I shook it, but once I did Harry fell to the floor, writhing in pain.

Hermione glared at me while checking on Harry. I stared at him "Oh my god was that my fault? I am so sorry I. I." I was panicking. I didn't mean to hurt him. After a few seconds Harry got up, rubbing his forehead.

"Harry. Are you alright?" Ron asked. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. My scar just hurts." He said back. "Harry. Was that me?" I asked looking down.

"No. No it wasn't you. My scar just hurts when Voldemort is near. Sometimes being Harry Potter sucks. Just don't tell anyone. I don't need the whole world knowing Voldemort can't touch me or else I'll truly be fucked. " Harry looked at me reassuringly. "Wait. Harry Potter?" Asked. If this was the Harry Potter I was thinking about, Draco hated him, and my dad killed his parents.

"Yeah. Harry Potter." He lifted his hair to show me a lightning bolt scar. FUCK. "Harry. I'm. I'm so sorry. I." I knew Hermione was staring at me. "What are you talking about?" Ron asked. I looked at Harry.

"My dad is the one who did that to you." I points to his scar.

They all glared at me. "Then why are you here and not with your house?" Hermione asked. "I haven't been sorted. I wasn't here for my first or second year." I looked down. I felt their gazes. They thought I was a freak. Just like everybody else.

Just then Jupiter slithered out of my pocket. Hermione, Ron, and Harry stared at him. "You look miserable." He hissed. "Well maybe I am." I hissed back. Everybody tensed up. Great. Now I'm a freak that knows parsletongue. "Why'd you come out? Just to see me miserable, or just to mock the fact that they think I'm a freak. Not that they'd be wrong." I held back a few tears as I hissed. "I don't think you're a freak." I heard someone speak. Harry.

I looked at him. I opened my mouth to speak, but if I did I would've screamed. "You're a parslemouth." Hermione glared. It was a statement. Not a question. I nodded. "Yeah." My gaze snapped to her. "If you're Voldemort's daughter, you're a parslemouth, and you don't have a house, why don't you sit with the slytherins? I'm sure that's going to be your house. After all you're pure blood anyway." She glared at me.

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