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"-Gryffindor" the hat spoke. My heart stopped. Dad would not be happy about this.

The great hall was silent, except for the cheering of one Gryffindor. Ron Weasley. I got up and walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down. I got a lot of glares from the other kids, so I didn't eat much.

Not that I do anyway.

After dinner we went to our common rooms to unpack. I shared a room with Hermione, Lavender, and Parvati. Hermione was cool. Parvati pisses me off and Lavender is a bit creepy. And this is coming from the girl who's dad has no nose.

*time skip to the end of the week*
(It's a Saturday now btw)

I spent a few days convincing Dumbledore that I wasn't a threat to anyone. McGonagall and Flitwick had trouble with that. Sprout loved me. Snape, well. He had mixed feelings I guess.

*later that day*

I couldn't sleep so I got out my iPod and went into the common room. I hit play and "Jet Pack Blues" by Fall Out Boy started to play ( A/N Wattpad wouldn't let me add the original song so I added a piano cover. It's a really good song and I suggest you listen to it).I started to hum after a while and got lost in my own world.

I jumped when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. " Hey. Hey. It's alright. It just me." Ron smiled. I relaxed and took my earbuds out. "You know. You should be asleep right now. It's pretty late. " Ron said softly. "i couldn't sleep." I told him. "Well. You know. I uh. Lost my teddy bear. Do. Uh. Do you wanna take his place?" He asked shyly. I looked up at him. "What?" I asked surprised. "Ah. N. Nothing." He blushed heavily. "I. I'm gonna go to bed now." Ron said awkwardly.

I grabbed his hand before he turned around. "Ron, I never said no." I blushed slightly. We walked up the stairs into the boys' dorm and got onto his bed.

I Snuggled up into his chest and started to close my eyes. I heard Dean and Seamus snoring, Neville talking in his sleep, and Harry quietly breathing. Ron wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep shortly after.

I think I'm starting to have feelings for this guy.

dad is not going to be happy with this.......

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