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You know how sometimes you're half asleep but you can still hear everything that's going on around you? That's how it was this morning.

I lay on the bed wrapped in Ron's Sheets. I heard Neville first.

"Ron. What. Why. Is. What is a girl doing in here??" He asked shakily. "She couldn't sleep." He replied simply.

"Isn't she that Riddle girl?" Seamus asked. "Phoenix Riddle. Yes." Ron replied again.

"Well as long as she doesn't take my nose and give it to her dad I'll be cool with her." Dean said "alright noted." Ron chuckled lightly.

"Would you all shut up and let me sleep I have quiddich tryouts on Tuesday and I need to rest so I can practice later." Harry said tiredly. "Sorry mate." Ron said. "To late now. I'm already awake." Harry said.

After a few minuets I opened my eyes and stretched. When my vision focused I saw Everybody looking at me.

"Uh. Hi..." I said awkwardly. Ron smiled. "Morning" he said sweetly.

"Well I have a potions test I need to pass so I'll be studying if anybody needs me." Neville said awkwardly grabbing his clothes and practically running out the door.

"Something I said?" I asked Ron shyly. "No. It's not you. Neville is just surprised. I mean bloody hell he wakes up and sees one of the prettiest girls at Hogwarts in his dorm." Ron immediately covers his mouth and blushes heavily.

My eyes widen and my cheeks get as red as his hair. I looked down nervously trying to find words.

"I knew it. Forget I said anything." He mumbles and runs out the door.

I sit there in his bed trying to process what just happened. Ron Weasley thinks I'm pretty? Or did he just say that to make me feel better about myself? Why did he run away? is it because of my dad??

The last question to myself caused me to tear up. I've never had a real friendship, let alone relationship, with anyone except Draco, but he could care less about me now. I thought I was forming a relationship with Ron, but I guess not.

I was still thinking when Harry came over and sat next to me. "You know He likes you. Right?" Harry said smirking. "I like him too." I said standing up and running after him.

He was at barely at the bottom of the stairs when I came up from behind him. "RON!!" I yelled while tackling him. I heard him grunt.

"The bloody hell was that fo-" I cut him off cupping the side of his face and kissing him.

I stopped when he didn't kiss back and looked at him. He looked shocked.

"I'm sorry I should've known. I'm sorr-" 'twas my turn to get cut off as he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer than I already was.

He put his soft lips to mine as we shared another kiss. I kissed back instantly. I felt him lick my bottom lip asking for entrance. Once granted we began to tongue battle, his becoming dominant.

He flipped us over so I was on the bottom and he was on the top. Our kiss got heated quickly but was soon ended by the sound of something falling.

I looked up to see Neville had passed out from a nosebleed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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