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She climbs into the bed next to me and drapes her arm over my torso, "You're safe here, no Babadook will come get you."

I hum in satisfaction as I cuddle into Billie's side, letting my heavy eyes finally close and my tired body finally relax as I fall into a restful sleep.


A hand strokes my cheek, warm and soft. I nuzzle into it, humming at the feeling.

"Baby girl," Billie giggles, "Wake up, please."

I grab her hand and hold it on my face, keeping my eyes shut, "Noooo. Why?" I whine.

Billie tries to pull her hand away, but I grip it tightly, leaving a kiss on her palm.

"Look," Billie says, leaving her hand in my grip and using the other to comb through my hair, "I have to go ride."

"Ride?" I ask.

"A horse," she pauses, "My lesson is in an hour I gotta go."

My heart sinks, and I release her hand, "Oh. Uhm, okay, I'll get my stuff."

I sit up, blinking my eyes as I adjust to the light. I look over at Billie and find her in something far different than I've ever seen her in.

I scan her body, seeing that she's in equestrian clothing. Her clothes cling to her body, unlike her usual baggy outfits.

When I look at her face again, she's smiling at me, amused, "Like what you see?"

My eyes widen as blood rushes to my cheeks, "I- uh, I'm so sorry."

I avert my eyes and get off the bed, grabbing my things and avoiding Billie. As I reach down to pick up my pillow, I feel a pair of hands rest on my waist, and when I stand back up, Billie leans into my ear from behind, "I don't mind."

I stiffen at her closeness, before shoving my face in my hands, "Okay."

Billie chuckles and backs away, "And I was going to ask if you wanted to come."

I turn around to face her, "I don't want to intrude."

"Nonsense," Billie assures me, "I'd love to have you."

I look into her eyes, trying to detect any lies, before accepting the offer.

"What am I supposed to wear?"

Billie smirks, looking me up and down, "Just go in that."

I look down, a blush covering my cheeks. In all the commotion last night, I forgot that my pajamas were less than modest.

"Oh god," I let out, "I met your family in this."

Billie chuckles, shaking her head, "Don't worry, I told them you were afraid to sleep. Of course they'd expect you to be wearing pajamas."

"I do own pajama pants," I mumble.

Billie smiles at my embarrassment, "Let me find you something to wear."

The throbbing between my legs returns at the mention of my revealing clothing, and Billie sorts through her closet, finding a beige tennis skirt and an oversized t-shirt in her closet.

Questioning//BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now