(Part 10)

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girl - Justin/Editor


We stare silently at each other for a few moments, when the silence was broken abruptly. Clays phone rang. Clay jumps, slightly startled by the sudden noise.

"Oh— Sorry!" He looked at his phone. "Give me a moment, I need to take this call." I nodded, before he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

I sat there thinking for a moment, and reflecting on the fact that Clay really thought I was going to leave him. I chuckled to myself, still slightly caught off guard by the fact that he ACTUALLY thought I was going to WILLINGLY leave him after everything we've been through. I sat there with my mind racing for another 2 or so minutes, before my head began to hurt.

I wonder if Clay has any painkillers.. I got up, and walked down the hall, and into the bathroom. I begin to open the cabinets. Cabinet after cabinet, nothing. I hear Clay say something, sounding slightly.. agitated? Maybe, but I wasn't sure what he said.

I'm slightly concerned by the tone of his voice, so I begin walking towards the room he went into. I decide it would be best not to intrude, so I do what only the best of friends do, and eaves drop from the next room over.

"Anyways, the situation was under control, since he was arrested." Is he talking about me? "Jesus christ.. Well I'm glad everything was taken care of." Said what sounded like a man's voice on the phone. "Yeah, I still feel really her for lashing out at Y/N, though. I know she said that she forgives me, but I can't help but feel a little guilty." The was a short pause. "Y/N? I knew a Y/N once. Anyways— It's alright, Clay. She said it's fine, and from what you've told me about her, she seems like the kind to mean it when she says she's forgiven someone." Said the other person. "Thank you, Wilbur. That means a lot."


"There's no way.." I muttered.

"Well I just wanted to make sure you were alright, since I hadn't heard from you in a while.. unfortunately, I've got to go now. Filming with Tommy and Tubbo later. Bye Clay!" He said. "Alright.. Thanks again, Wil! Bye!"

Just as Clay exited the room, I did the same, and stood in front of the figure. He looked slightly startled, but quickly gained his composure. "Y/N? What're you doing out here?" I stared for a moment. "Who were you talking to?"  I said, cutting right to the chase.
He once again, looked startled. "Why do you need to know..?" He asked, confused. "Just— Just curious." I replied. He nodded. "I was just catching up with my friend Wilbur. We haven't spoken in a while, so he called to check in."

I thought for a moment. "Wilbur...."

"Soot." He finished. My eyes widened slightly. "WILLIAM?! You know Wil?!" I yelled, surprised. He looked shocked. "Uh.. William?" I realized that not many people know him by that name. "William Gold, Will gold for short. That's his biological name. He started going by Wilbur Soot a while after he started youtube.." I rambled for a few moments, out of excitement. Clay chuckled.

"Well yeah, I know Wilb—- William? We've been online friends for a while. We met a few years back through our youtube platforms." I smiled. "I haven't spoken to Wil in ages, oh my god!" Clay laughed again. "How do YOU know him?" He asked.

"Oh-" I started, slightly hesitant. "Wil and I met when we were younger.. We had some classes together back when I lived in Brighton with George.." I smiled sadly, reminiscing on the good times I had with Wilbur. "He was like a second brother to me. He knew everything that went on in my life. He knew my dad was abusing me, even before George knew. He even saved me from him a few times." I sighed. "I had to move when I turned 15, though, so I haven't seen or had contact with him in almost six years."

Clay looked at me, surprised. "Damn.. I'm sorry, Y/N! On the bright side, I can give you his number now if you'd like it!" My face lit up. "Really?!" I said, excited. "Of course." He chuckled. I handed Clay my phone, and he added Wilbur's number into my contacts. I was practically jumping up and down in excitement. The second he handed my phone back to me, I immediately dialed the number.

One ring...

Two Rings...

Three Rings...

"Hello?" Said a British voice. "WIL!!" I shouted into the speaker. The line was silent for a moment. "...Y/N?"

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