I look up at the massive doors in front of the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex and take a steadying breath in an attempt to calm my shaking hands. I plaster on a smile (and some fake confidence) and enter the plex. I look around in wonder, the place is huge. Just from the spot by the doors, I can see an arcade, a bowling alley, the entrance to the raceway, and various shoppes and restaurants.
"Hello, how may I help you?" Someone asks from behind me, with a slight southern accent. I jump a little bit at the unexpected voice and turn around to see a short woman with curly hair.
"Oh, hello! I'm Y/N! I applied for the Daycare Attendant Assistant job a few days ago, and got an email to come in for an interview today." I stammered, wringing my hands. The woman smiles warmly and nods.
"Oh, yes, Y/N! Follow me darlin', I'll getcha where you need to go," she begins to weave through the crowd of people, periodically checking to make sure I was able to keep up, "you'll be workin' with Sun and Moon! Sun will actually be the one interviewing you today, seein' if you're a good fit for the kids and all that. You might not see Moon today, depends on how long the interview takes, 'cause he usually just sticks to nap time. Can't say I blame him, those kids can be a real handful!"
I listen to her as she continues to describe what the daycare is like, a pit growing in the center of my stomach. What if it's too much for me to handle? I've never really been good with kids . . . Is it too late to turn back now??? Evidently the answer is yes, because as those words flittered through my mind we reached the entrance to the daycare. I could hear faint music coming from inside, a cute tune that sounded like it belonged in the intro to a beloved cartoon.
"Welp darlin', we're here! Now, there's two different ways to get in, you could go through the doors. But, there's also a slide that's big enough for any adult to fit, which sound like more fun to me!" she chuckles and nudges my side, "anyways, good luck sweetheart, I'm sure you'll do just fine. And I know Sun'll love you! Just come see me afterwards if Sun approves and I'll get you all set up, m'kay?" Smiling, I nod. She squeezes my shoulder and walks away, back to the font I assume. I turn back toward the daycare, and ponder my two options. I could go through the door, it would probably be more professional. But . . . the slide seemed like so much fun, and it had been several years since I'd been on one. After a few more seconds, I made my choice.
"Screw it, why not?" I mutter under my breath as I approach the slide. I sit in the opening and push myself forward. I squeak a little as I zoom down the spiral tube, rainbow colors flashing by. I fly out of the slide and land in a HUGE ball pit, at least 4 feet deep. Giggling, I stand up and look around. I see the stares of several little children, all ranging from toddlers to what looked like 2nd graders. Embarrassed, I feel heat creep up my neck and over my cheeks. I start to wave, but before I can lift my hand up all the way, something grabs me from behind, picking me up. It was an animatronic, who looked like a sun, with 7 rays jutting from a circular faceplate.
"My, my, friend, are you lost? My scanner says you don't have any children registered, and that you yourself aren't a registered child, so how did you get here?" The sun-shaped animatronic asks, not impolitely. It clicked a second later who he was.
"Oh! You're Sun, the Daycare Attendant! I'm Y/N, I applied to be your assistant!!" I explain quickly, sighing in relief as he puts me down.
"Oh, yes! Y/N!! Sorry about that!" he holds his hand out, I tentatively reach mine out and shake it," I can't wait to work with you! Well, hopefully! You seem great already though!" We smile at each other, and I turn back around to the curious faces still peering at me.
"Hey everybody, come meet Y/N!!" Sun calls out, ushering the children toward me. They all crowd around, most of them staring, some of them looking around, and one of them eating something off of the ground. Ew. I crouch down next to him. "Hey, buddy, maybe we shouldn't eat that, okay? It might make our tummy upset, and we don't want that, right?" I smile gently at him. For a second it looks like he's either going to start crying, or pitch a fit. But, after a few seconds, he spits out whatever dark green lump he had shoved into his mouth and waddled away. I look up and see that most of the children had wandered off by this point. Sun, however, was standing nearby, watching. He chuckles and walks over.

Sun/Moon x Y/N
FanfictionWill have angst/fluff/smut/etc, tw for some dark stuffs, minors dni. First story, please forgive any grammar mistakes lol. Y/N will be a girl in this Just made new cover art!! Any thoughts?