I stand as still as I possibly can, shaking slightly as Moon gently turns my head from side to side, red eyes tracing every inch of my face. After a few moments of this, he scoffs and shoves me away. "You're not a threat. You'll be fine as long as you don't wake the children. DON'T wake the children, " he whispers in a threatening tone, his voice deeper than Sunny's and slightly raspy. He stands up to his full height, making me feel tiny, I barely come up to his waist. He glances me over one more time, then makes his way over to the rows of sleeping kids. I sit down on a beanbag, not wanting to interrupt his work, especially after that warning. Well, that definitely could've gone worse. At least he didn't hurt me. Much. I prod at my tender neck, wincing as my finger makes contact. Yep, that's gonna leave a bruise.
After a few minutes I look up, and Moon is staring directly at me. I feel my heart rate pick up as he makes his way over to me, an eerie grin creeping over his face, showing off fanged teeth almost as sharp as his claws. He crouches down as he gets in front of me, his face way too close to mine. "I've decided," he chuckles, "that I want to play a game with you, Starlight. YOU are going to hide, and I will find you. Try not to get caught though, you might not like what happens if you do." He looks angry when I don't respond. He lifts me out of the beanbag and stands me up, roughly shoving at me. "You've got one minute Starlight; you might want to run." He snarls the last word, sending chills down my spine. I watch as he turns around, and then I sprint towards the giant play structure, which is riddled with tubes, slides, bridges, and many other corners and hiding places. I scramble my way up a small staircase, and crawl for what feels like forever. "Tick tock," Moon's voice floats tauntingly. I climb higher and higher, finally finding a small corner and I tuck myself there. I flinch as I hear loud bangs and bumps coming from below me. He must be in here already, but I'm in a good spot, right?
I'm shaken from my thoughts when the sounds get louder and louder. Oh shit, OH SHIT, SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT! I start crawling in the opposite direction as fast and as quietly as I can, just to turn the corner and come face to face with Moon himself. Before I can scream, he slams his cold metal hand over my mouth, and leans in close. "Naughty, naughty Starlight, you weren't supposed to let me find you," he grins coldly as he grabs my leg and drags me higher and higher through the play structure. I couldn't scream or do anything, I was completely frozen in fear, my breath caught in my throat, my blood turning to ice. We finally reach the top, it must have been at least 15 feet tall. I cringe as my face smacks into a metal bar. Moon turns back, looking almost apologetic, before his face hardens and he lifts me up by my ankle. I feel all the blood in my body rush towards my head, except for the little bit dribbling out of my ankle. His claws must have broken the skin. He puts his face so close that our noses are practically touching. "You let me find you, Y/n. That means you must be punished. . ." He drops me onto the top of the structure, and quickly pins me down before I can escape. I struggle to escape, both of my hands immobilized by the giant animatronic, as a tear rolls down my cheek.
I cringe as a long tongue snakes out of his mouth and licks up the salty tear. I shiver as it lingers, and trails down my face and around my neck. "Mmm Starlight," he whispers, "you taste like fear." He leans closer, "delicious." Why does he have a tongue? And why is it so long? I look at how we are positioned. I'm laying on my back, Moon is straddling me, using one hand to pin both of my wrists above my head. I blush at the implication in my mind. No, no, stop, he's trying to hurt you, and he's a robot anyway, he wouldn't have anything like that. Would he? I can't help glancing down between his legs. Moon immediately notices, taking in my blushing face. "Curious, are we Starlight?" he pushes his body closer to mine, and I can feel the outline of his entire body. Oh.
Luckily, the lights turn back on before things can go any further. Moon winces at the bright light, glaring at Sunny, who is coming back out of the tower where they seem to go when they charge. "This isn't over Starlight, you still need to be punished. See you later," he smirks as he jumps down and crawls up the tower, disappearing into the shadows. I stand up, shaking, and I look around. Well crap, how am I going to get down? I can't jump, I would definitely get hurt. Then I notice that there is a part of the structure overlooking the ball pit. Hm . . . that might work. I make my way over to the jutting tube, and stand on the edge. It's a long fall, but the soft plastic balls would keep me from getting too injured, right? I shake my hands from side to side to steel my nerves, and prepare to jump. I close my eyes, but before I push off with my legs, I hear a shout.

Sun/Moon x Y/N
FanfictionWill have angst/fluff/smut/etc, tw for some dark stuffs, minors dni. First story, please forgive any grammar mistakes lol. Y/N will be a girl in this Just made new cover art!! Any thoughts?