Warning: The next one or two chapters will have dark themes including SH and attempted suicide. Please keep this is mind, I will put another notice on the next chapter that may include these same themes.
"What?! Y/n, no, you can't. It's reeeaaalllly not a good idea, Moon, he's . . . not right. I won't let you," Sun declares firmly.
"But Sunny, Moon hates himself now, because of me. He needs to know that none of this is his fault," I protest, hoping Sunny will give in. After several minutes of debating with himself, he turns back to look at me.
"Fine. But I will NOT be leaving you alone with him. I will be within three feet of the both of you at all times," Sunny announces, his tone leaving no room for argument. I nod, and we both leave the room. We walk past several doorways, all of the rooms inside them empty. I see Miriam at one point; both of us just smile and keep walking. After we make a few more turns, I start to recognize where we are, familiar posters lining the walls. As the large daycare doors come into view, I stop walking, shaking with fear.
"Maybe . . . maybe we should come back another time," Sunny suggests kindly, giving my shoulder a light, comforting squeeze.
"No," I shake my head, "I need to do this. Moon needs to know that I don't blame him, and that I don't hate him." Sunny says nothing as we continue forward. We both take a deep breath as he pushes the door open, and we both walk in.
The first thing I notice is how torn up everything is. All papers are ripped from the walls, in shreds on the floor. There are claw marks covering everything, even the metal from the play structure has deep gashes carved into them. I step forward and lift my head.
"Moon?" I call out, "Moon, please come here. I really need to see you."
"Why did you bring her here?" A glitchy, broken voice calls from above us. Moon drops down, and looks absolutely awful. His clothes are completely shredded, his hat is nowhere to be seen. His arms are . . . also covered in claw marks?
"Moon, what happened to you?" I question, stepping closer to assess the damage better. Moon scurries backwards, almost tripping over a chair laying on its side.
"S-stay away from m-me, I'll hurt you again," Moon cries out, voice filled with sorrow. He curls up in a ball, gripping his faceplate in his claws, rocking back and forth. "I'll just hurt you again, that's all I'm good for anyways, I'm just a monster." Moon weeps, seemingly to himself. I walk closer again, taking small steps.
"No, Moon, you aren't a monster, I don't blame you at all, no one does," I attempt to reassure him, using as soothing of a voice as possible.
"no, No, NO NO NO NO STOOOOPPPPP" Moon screams out, forcefully digging his nails into his head, clearly cutting a few wires, as they start sparking.
"Moon! Stop! Don't do that, you'll shut yourself off!! You'll cut your wires!!" Sunny cries out this time, clearly distressed. Moon freezes, but before I can relax, he starts clawing himself harder.
"Shut . . . myself . . . off?" Moon giggles, voice crazed. He laughs and laughs as he starts grabbing wires by the fistful, ripping them off of his metal frame.
"MOON!!!! NO!!!!" I try to run up to him to stop him, but it's too late. His glowing eyes fade to black, his long limbs dropping to the floor. He doesn't move. Sunny bolts towards him, tears running down his face. I go up to them.
"Sunny, is . . . is he okay?? Is he . . ." I can't bring myself to say the word. Sunny says something, but the words are muffled since he is holding Moon's body as close to himself as possible. "I'm sorry Sunny, I didn't hear you," I say quietly.
"This is ALL. YOUR. FAULT!" Sunny yells at me, and I flinch with every word.
"W-what?" I whisper, my heart a dead weight in my chest. No, no, this isn't my fault, it's not my fault, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.
"You heard me," Sun snaps, not even bothering to look at me.
I go completely numb. I don't feel anything. I slowly leave the daycare, stumbling on the way out. I wander aimlessly, not caring where I went, as long it was away from them. Away from him. I hear a voice, but don't bother to listen. I don't care. I don't care.
"Hey, Y/n, you comin' ta hang out with me again?" Monty jokes as he appears in front of me. His playful expression immediately replaced by one with extreme concern as soon as he sees my face. "Hey, hey, what's wrong??" he asks. I break down. All of my previous emotions hit me like a bus, a crushing weight that drives me to the floor. Tears flood down my face. I can't talk. I can't scream. I can't move. Monty sits next to me. He doesn't say anything; he just wraps an arm around me, careful of my injured ones, and rests his chin on top of my head. We stay there, for a long time. Monty stands back up.
"Um . . . I don't really know what's going on, but, uh, do you want me to help you? Maybe get you back to your room, in the daycare?" He didn't mean to hurt me, but each word was like a punch in the gut. I just shake my head, still unable to pry my lips open.
"Well, uh, it's almost after hours, and you need some rest. You look like you've been through hell. Do you want to, uh, stay in my room for tonight? Not in a weird way, I promise! Just so you have somewhere to sleep, since you don't want to . . . go back," Monty asks politely. He must think I'm crazy. Or stupid. Well, I suppose I am. Haha. I nod, wincing slightly as he picks me up, even though he tried his best to be careful and not hurt me. He starts to carry me, and the soft swaying of his gait along with my exhaustion lull me to sleep.
I wake up, a thin blanket hastily thrown over me. I groggily blink, feeling something pulling on my arm. I look over and see Monty kneeling by my bed, carefully unwrapping the think bandages that covered my right arm. He notices I'm awake, but doesn't stop.
"Mornin'! Well, afternoon, I s'pose. Miriam came by looking for you, she said it was time to take your bandages off and to make sure the scars looked okay," Monty explains as he removes the last layer. We both look at my arm to see dark red scars covering most of my forearm. "Ah, she said they'd prolly look like this, but don't worry! She said they'd fade to be less noticeable, but it'd take a while," Monty attempts to comfort me.
"Oh, um, thank you, Monty," I whisper, trying to hide the shaking in my voice. "I, um, I suppose I need to get back to work, don't want to get fired," I try to laugh and fail miserably.
"Well, I can't keep you here against your will, but I'll walk you back, I could use the company," Monty helps me up, and we walk to the daycare in silence.
1266 Words

Sun/Moon x Y/N
FanfictionWill have angst/fluff/smut/etc, tw for some dark stuffs, minors dni. First story, please forgive any grammar mistakes lol. Y/N will be a girl in this Just made new cover art!! Any thoughts?