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  Y/n was comatose for what felt like an eternity. She stirred every once in a while, sometimes muttering some nonsense, sometimes simply shifting around. She never stayed awake though, sometimes going for weeks without moving. Her heart stopped twice.

  I struggle to open my eyes, they feel as if they've been glued together. After finally managing to pry my lids apart, I attempt to look around. However, everything is dark. Oh shit, oh shit, I'VE GONE BLIND!

  "HELP!! HELP, SOMEONE!! ANYONE! I'VE GONE BLIND!!" I screech out, panicking. I feel something on my shoulder and whip around, seeing two red eyes. Wait, seeing??

  "Shut up, dumbass, the lights are off," Moon rolls his eyes, though I can see tears forming in them. "God, Y/n you scared me so bad," he starts to sob, burying his face into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him, starting to cry yourself, holding him closer. After staying like that for about a minute, I wipe my eyes. 

  "W-where's Sunny?" I manage to sniffle out. Moon points to the corner of the room, and I glare at him until he realizes that I can't see in the dark.

  "He's charging in the corner, he's been running himself completely empty, sometimes going for days without charging. We've been so worried . . . we thought you weren't gonna wake up," his voice cracks with the last sentence. "At least there's some good news, your stab wound is fully healed, and so is your arm. Miriam doesn't know why you were . . . like that . . . for so long, but she said it might have something to do with trauma."

  I simply nod, feeling tired. I lay my head on him and feel myself start to drift to sleep.

  "Y/n, please don't sleep again, I don't think I could bear it right now," Moon cries, " at least let Miriam look at you, and you've gotta let Sunny talk to you, I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU!!!" Moon is full on sobbing now. I hear something shift in the corner of the room, I do my best to peer into the darkness but I still can't see.

  "Y-Y/n??" I hear Sunny's voice from the dark. "Y/N!!!!" he shoves Moon out of the way and pounces on me, hugging me as tight as he could without hurting me. I couldn't even say anything. We were all sobbing, locked into our three-person embrace. I hear a soft knock on the door, and it opens.

  "Moon, darlin', I'm here to check her vitals again," Miriam's soft, southern voice whispers floats through the room, before a sharp gasp. "Oh, darlin', you're awake!" I can't see around the boys, but I hear some soft sniffles. Suddenly, light floods the room. I blink a few times, seeing spots. Both Moon and Sun back up, their eyes lingering on my face. I feel my eyes tear up again, seeing their faces after so long. Miriam walks over, and starts taking vitals. She takes my temperature, and wraps the blood pressure cuff around my arm. 

  "You're gonna feel a tight squeeze, but it'll only last a few seconds," Miriam smiles warmly at me.

  "Hey, Miriam, how did you become so good at this?" I question.

  "Well, darlin', practice, just like anything else," She answers quickly, seemingly avoiding something. Geez, do that many people get hurt here? I wonder if anyone else is in the infirmary. Miriam finishes up and leaves the room after checking me and clearing me to leave. I go to stand up, but my legs immediately give out. Both Moon and Sunny catch me, each grabbing an arm. They help me stand, my legs shaking and unsteady. 

  "Sorry, haha, I guess I haven't used these in . . ." I trail off, not knowing how long it had been.

  "Two months. . . " Sunny whispers in a pained voice. I feel my stomach drop. Two months??? I've been like that for two months???"

  "Oh," Is all I say, trying to focus on walking. I take one tentative step forward, my knee giving out again. I gasp, but the boys keep me from falling. The walk back to the daycare is slow and tedious, each step making my legs feeling heavier and heavier. After we eventually make it back, I sit on my bed. 

  "Miriam said you'd probably have to do physical therapy for a while, being sedentary for that long can cause muscle atrophy and a few other things," Moon explains, his eyes never leaving my face. I nod, yawning. 

  "I'm really, really tired, Moon," I sigh softly, wanting nothing more than to sleep. He nods, laying behind me on my bed and pulling me onto his chest. Sunny lays next to us, and I shift to where I am laying on both of them.

  "Just promise us you'll wake up, Sunshine," Sunny pleads. I nod my head and drift back to sleep, in the comforting embrace of my lovers.

838 Words

  Hey guys!! Sorry for not updating for a hot minute, I've been dealing with some pretty rough stuff, and I had writers block on top of that. Thank you for being patient, and reading my story.

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