Burning agony. That's all I can feel as I start to wake up. Horrible, searing pain through my arms and mid back. I open my eyes, having to blink a few times as the bright light shines directly into my eyes. After I regain my vision, I look around, attempting to orient myself with my environment. I'm in a bed with white sheets and a small white blanket. There are guardrails along the sides of the bed, with various buttons on them. Looking further through the room, I can see a small convertible couch-bed, all of the bedding messily covering *most* of the mattress. There's a small counter nearby as well, with a small blue vase holding a tiny bouquet of various flowers. Forget-me-nots, daisies, even a water lily. I wearily blink and attempt to sit up, crying out as electric pain shoots up my spine, causing my back to tense up. The door bursts open, Sunny rushing in.
"OH MY GOSH Y/N YOU'RE ALIVE I WAS SO SCARED I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA DIE THERE WAS SO MUCH BLOOD!!" Sunny cries out, tears filling his sad eyes. He reached out as if he was going to pull me in for a hug, but stops, staring at my arms. I look as well, one is in a large green cast, the other wrapped in several layers of bandages. I try to move them, wincing.
"No Y/n, don't try to move. Does it hurt? Here, let me call Miriam," Sunny gently scolds. He presses one of the buttons on the guardrail, a large red one with a red cross.
"Hello?" A static-y voice comes from a speaker somewhere nearby.
"Hey, Miriam, she's awake, and I think she's in pain," Sunny said quietly.
"Okay, I'll be there in a bit!" Miriam's cheery voice crackling through the room again.
"Wait, Sunny, am I in a hospital? How is Miriam here? How are YOU here? Where is Moon?" I falter with my words, the memory of Moon's claws tearing through my flesh flooding my mind. Sunny looks at me sheepishly.
"Well, Sunshine, you're at the Plex's med area . . . according to the print on your job contract, you cannot go to a true hospital for any work-related injuries, something about avoiding lawsuits," Sunny gently explained as a light knock was heard from the door. Miriam opens it and peeks her head in, before entering fully.
"Hey there darlin'! Sunny told me you had woken up and was in some pain, so I've brought some meds to help with that," she pauses as she looks at my tightly wrapped arms. "Oh, um, I didn't think about you needing help with taking them, um-"
"I can help her Miriam," Sunny cuts her off, not in a rude way. He takes the two small capsules from her, along with a cup of water. I open my mouth, and he sets one pill on my tongue before letting me sip some water. After I swallow the first one, he repeats the actions with the second one.
"Thank you, Sunny, and you too, Miriam," I look at them both thankfully. Miriam smiles gently, and begins to back out of the room.
"Anytime, darlin'. Just let me know if you need anything, alright honey?" I nod as she makes her way out of the room.
I let out a sigh, and sit back after Sunny raises the head of the bed into a sitting position. He sits on the edge of the bed, looking at me woefully. The meds are kicking in already, that was fast.
"Sunny," I start, looking down at my hands, "what happened? With Moon, I mean. I've never seen him that angry. And why were his eyes purple? Did I . . . did I do something wrong?"
"Oh Sunshine, no, you didn't do anything. Like I said before, I think something is wrong with his coding. I haven't been able to figure out what, though. And he refuses to let any of the Parts and Service people near him, " Sunny sighs, "he actually hasn't let anyone near him since (he nods at my arms) the . . . incident. He regrets it, I can tell. He feels horrible. He keeps muttering to himself about being a monster. He's inconsolable."
I feel horrible. I shouldn't have snapped at him. Sure, he did leave, and I did get lost, but no amount of fighting was worth . . . this. I sigh.
"I need a shower . . . I feel gross," I say, hoping a warm shower or bath will help. I try getting up, but I can barely sit up, my back tensing up. Luckily, it didn't hurt at the moment, due to the pain meds.
"Sunshine wait, you might hurt yourself! Well . . . worse, I guess. Let me help!" Sunny helps me up, only pausing to make sure it was okay with me. We slowly make our way to the bathroom, Sunny half carrying me, making sure I don't fall due to my back. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and I look AWFUL. My hair is crusted with blood, and I'm as pale as the undead. My dark circles stand out even more than usual, and my lips are completely dry and cracked. Sunny gently lets me stand by myself, before turning around.
"I won't look, but if you need help, please ask. I would prefer to stay in here with you to make sure you're okay, but I'll wait outside if you really want me to," Sunny requests in a small voice.
"It's okay Sunny, you can stay if it makes you feel better." I start trying to take my clothes off . . . but I can't bend my arms enough to do anything. "Actually, Sunny," I admit, embarrassment evident in my voice, "I can't even get undressed . . . could you please . . . help?" I ask, my cheeks flaming.
"Of course, Sunshine," Sunny smiles gently as he turns around. He pulls my shirt off, slowly and carefully, so as to not hurt me. He makes sure I'm comfortable as he removes the rest of my clothes, tender care in every touch and movement. He turns on the bath.
"I think a bath would be easier, since neither of your arms can get wet," Sunny said, politely averting his gaze. "I can help you bathe, if it's alright with you Sunshine."
"I think you might have to, Sunny" I chuckle. "You can look Sun, you're not going to be able to help without looking at all." Sunny slowly looks at me, holding eye contact for a second first. His eyes then slowly started to make their way down the rest of my body, taking in every curve and crevasse.
"My Sunshine," Sunny whispers, "you're so beautiful." He smiles at me. He finishes running the bath, and checks the temperature. "It's ready." He stands back up and comes back over to me, picking me up extremely gently. He walks back over to the bath, setting me down as carefully as possible. He picks up a sponge and some floral scented body wash. Kneeling by the tub, he starts to wash me off, making sure he wasn't hurting me. I flinch as he brushes the sponge across the wound on my back. "Oh, I'm so sorry Sunshine!," Sunny apologizes quickly, sounding upset.
"It's alright, Sunny," I smile and relax. This was . . . comforting. There was nothing sexual about this at all, just love and care. I closed my eyes peacefully, the warm, soapy water helping my muscles relax. After a little while, he stops cleaning me with the sponge, and washes my hair with the shampoo and conditioner I had brought from my apartment. He finishes up, dries his hands off, and helps me out of the tub.
"Thank you Sunny," I say gratefully as he hands me a soft, fluffy towel. He leaves for a second, and I wait, naked and starting to feel cold. He comes back promptly, some of my clothes in his arms. He helps me get dressed into the clean fresh clothes. I take a deep breath, feeling much better than I had before. I look at myself in the mirror. Soft black shorts with a (f/c) hoodie. Sunny tied my hair up into a messy bun, somehow making it look better than I ever had. I turn to him, and hug him the best I can.
"You're welcome Sunshine," Sunny smiles down at me, nothing but genuine love in his eyes. I ready myself for the sentence I was about to say.
"I think I need to see Moon," I ask, cringing a little as I await Sunny's response.
1465 Words!
I hope this chapter was written better than the last, and that you guys enjoyed the Sunny fluff! If anyone is reading this, thank you so much. Feel free to leave any suggestions! Really any comment would make my day lol.

Sun/Moon x Y/N
FanfictionWill have angst/fluff/smut/etc, tw for some dark stuffs, minors dni. First story, please forgive any grammar mistakes lol. Y/N will be a girl in this Just made new cover art!! Any thoughts?