Moving Day

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Beep, Beep, Beep

I groan as I reach over and shut off my alarm clock. I stretch and yawn, my back cracking as I twist. Standing up, I sleepily start to grab things to pack. Today is my first day working at the daycare, and the first day I'll be moving my stuff in. I grab a few necessities like my hairbrush, toothbrush, shower stuff, along with some bed coverings. Just anything I'll need for the first night. After I'm ready, I load everything up in my car and drive to the Plex. Panting, I drag my bag of stuff into the Plex, taking a breather after I get through the daycare doors. Sunny sees me and bounds over with long strides. 

  "Hey Sunshine!! Is that your stuff? Here, let me help!" Sunny effortlessly picks up my bag and skips over to my door. Sunshine, I giggle, that's cute. I follow Sunny over to my room, and I open the door for him. He walks in and sets my bag down next to my bed. 

"Oh my gosh we're gonna have so much fun today!! I'm gonna do a puppet show and we can do more crafts and we-" I listen to Sunny as he excitedly tells me everything that he has planned for today, while I start to put some stuff away. I carry my stuff to the bathroom, putting my brushes on the sink, and my shower stuff on the small shelf. Sunny follows me, still rambling about activities with the children. I look at him smiling. He's so cute when he's excited

  "That sounds like fun Sunny! I'm sure the kids will have fun too- argh!" I flinch as my razor slices my thumb; I wasn't paying attention when I reached into my bag. The blood bubbles up out of the small wound. Ouch. 

  "Oh my gosh Y/n are you okay?? Here let me see," Sunny gently grabs my wrist, holding my hand close as he inspects my finger. His chest cavity opens, and he pulls out a small first aid kit. He leads me over to the sink, still carefully holding my wrist. He sets down the kit and takes a band-aid out, then puts the kit back into his chest cavity. 

  "Sunny, I promise, I'm okay, it's just a tiny cut, it's okay," I insist as Sunny turns the water on and carefully rinses my thumb.

  "I know it's small, but we don't want it to get infected!" Sunny states as he runs some rubbing alcohol over it. I suck in a breath and wince as it makes my thumb sting worse. "Sorry, sorry, it'll be over soon," Sunny apologizes. He finishes up and wraps my thumb with the band-aid, which has some cartoon character all over it. He kisses my thumb then immediately looks at me.

  "Oh Y/n I'm sorry!! It's just a habit from working with kids, they say it makes their boo-boos feel better! I didn't mean too!" Sunny's rays seemed to shrink into his faceplate a little bit as he apologizes.

  "Hey it's alright Sunny! I think it did make my thumb feel better already," I giggle and playfully wink at him. His face turns a light shade of pink, almost like he's . . . blushing??

  "W-well alrighty Sunshine! I'll let you finish unpacking! Don't hurt yourself again!" he laughs, " I'll be cleaning up and getting the daycare ready! We open in about an hour, okay?" I nod and smile as Sunny leaves; he waves the whole way out. I finish unpacking my things, making sure to not cut myself on the razor again. After I finish, I wander out into the daycare, and help Sunny clean.

  "Hey, Sunny, so what's going on with Moon? Do have any idea why he's aggressive now, or what could've affected his code, if it's that?"

  "Oh, um, I don't really know Sunshine, I want to help him though," Sunny admits sadly, " maybe you could try to spend some time with him tonight? He only comes out during naptime during the day, but he does a security patrol at night. I usually charge while he's out but," Sunny looks directly at me, "if he tries anything, or if he hurts you, just yell, and I'll come help, okay?"

  "A-alright Sunny. I'll try to talk to him tonight before I leave to go get the rest of my stuff," I say, right as I hear a few high-pitched voices.

  "WHEEEEE!!!" the children yell as they all come down the slide one by one, each causing a small explosion of balls when they land in the ball pit. I softly giggle to myself as Sunny bounces up to them, greeting them with his usual enthusiasm. He really is good with kids, it's adorable. Sunny turns and catches me staring at him. I blush immediately and look away, busying myself with organizing the craft area a little. After a while, I feel a small tug on my shirt.

  "Ms. Y/n?" A small voice pipped. I turn and look to see a small girl standing there, with long, black hair and toffee eyes. 

  "Yes sweetheart?" I crouch down to eye level, smiling at the child. She giggles before answering.

  "I think Mr. Sun likes you!" she whispers excitedly. I do a double take. What? Sun, liking me??

   "What do you mean?" I ask the giggling child. She points at Sunny, had been looking at us. He quickly turns away.

  "Mr. Sun keeps staring at you! It must mean he liiiiiiikes you!!!" the little girl laughs a little louder. I chuckle and pat her head.

  "Well, Sunny and I are just coworkers, okay?" I smile, "why don't you draw something? That's always a fun thing to do!" I say in an attempt to change the subject. The girl skips away and starts scribbling. Sun, liking ME? No, there's no way, can he have those feelings? Are they capable of having relationships? Of . . . everything? I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to find Sunny standing right behind me. 

  "Hey Sunshine! I just wanted to let you know that it was almost nap time! You alright? You've just been standing there for a while now," Sunny asks.

  "Oh yeah, I'm all good Sunny! I just got a little lost in thought! Wow, nap time already?" I check the clock, it's almost 2 o' clock. 

  "Yep!" Sunny's voice softens," just remember what I said, okay? But don't be afraid of him, I don't think he'll really do anything to you." I cringe a little as I think about yesterday. I was a wonder that metal bar didn't leave a bruise. As if on cue, the lights shut out. Sunny's rays shrink down a little.

  "Ahah- well, that's my sign to leave! Good luck!" Sunny scurries towards the tower. I watch the entrance to the tower, wondering when Moon was going to come out. After a few seconds, I feel a breath on the back of my neck. All of my hairs raise, and I turn around to see Moon standing right behind me.

  "Miss me Starlight?" Moon coos, a clawed hand caressing my cheek.

  "Uh- I wanted to talk to you Moon," I murmur nervously, avoiding eye contact, fidgeting with my hands. Moon narrows his eyes and pulls down a wire with a hook from the ceiling. I notice a small loop protruding from his back. He pulls the hook into the loop, and looks at me with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

  "M-moon? What are you doing??" I say while taking a step back. Not fast enough, because Moon lunges forward and grabs me. I desperately hold onto his arms as the wire lifts us higher and higher into the air. 

  "What's wrong Starlight?" he smirks, "scared of heights?" I squeeze my eyes closed, until I feel us hit solid ground. Looking around, I can see that we are in the roof, where there is a large pile of blankets and pillows. I look to Moon questioningly. "You need to sleep. My scan tells me that you're exhausted. It's my job to make sure everyone has enough sleep, and that now includes you."

  "No, Moon, I can't sleep on the job! Besides, I already said I needed to talk to you!" I insist, fighting the lavender scent and warm atmosphere begging me to close my eyes. I attempt to stifle a yawn, but Moon's watchful eye caught it. Of course.

  "You'll be living here, Starlight. We have time to talk later. You just need to sleep," he demands. 

  "I really can't Moon, I'll get in trouble, and it's just my first day," I plead. Moon grumbles for a little bit, then lays on the pillow/blanket pile, pulling me down with him. "Moon! What are you doing?" I squirm to get free, but he just holds tighter. I sigh as I give up. He's . . . oddly warm. And . . . very soft. He smells really good too, the lavender and vanilla scent filling the air around us. I can feel myself drifting to sleep, but catch the soft notes of a lullaby before I give into my tired eyes.

1538 Words

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