28: A Feeling For Flying

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A day with you sounds pretty okay.


A knight went on a stroll through the Dark Oaks with a certain place in mind. Listening for any distinct sounds that could spell danger, he pushed forward and found himself in a familiar ring of trees. He sucked in a deep breath and stepped up to the front porch to knock on the door. In the moment of waiting Nick eyed the doorknob suspiciously, unsure of his decision. The door creaked open to reveal a tall mythical of black and purple.

"Well good afternoon Nick. It's nice of you to stop by." Vincent said while stepping aside to let the other in.

"Yeah, I'm sure it is dragon boy." Nick joked.

Once the door was shut Vincent led Nick to his living room. He emerged from the kitchen with a tray carrying a pot of some sort of liquid and a couple of pastries.

"What's this?" Nick asked pointing to the pot.

"This is a herbal tea that I got from the next door kingdom. Would you like some?"

Nick nodded and held out his cup for Vincent to pour some in. The ravenet took a small sip and flinched back.

"Hot!" He cried while sticking out his tongue.

Vincent stared at him and smiled incredulously. "Nick, you're meant to wait for it to cool. Did you not see the steam rising from the liquid's surface?"

Nick pouted while stuffing his face with a pastry. Vincent had to bite back another remark.

Nick spoke through a mouthful of sweet cherry jam. "So, got anything to do around here? I don't really want to sit around all day."

Vincent set down his own cup and hummed. "I do have some plans for today. I need to head to a certain village for more cat food from an old friend. Come with me?"

Nick shrugged with a small smile. "Why not?"


"I'm glad you could make time out of your schedule to visit Ian and I." Vincent mused.

Nick scratched his neck underneath the cloak Vincent had given him and looked to the ground. "Yeah... made time..."

The duo walked through a zigzagging path in the Dark Oaks that broke through the shadowed trees into a bright field. Vincent stopped just short of the sun covered area and seemed to carry his guard higher. Ian's fur stood up from his place across Vincent's shoulders.

Nick curiously asked, "Why so tense?"

Vincent held a finger to his lips but did not hiss a 'shush'. His voice was a low whisper. "This field is a popular area that's crossed by many travelers. Some I've run into were rogues or criminals, and I believe I sense the dread of one that wouldn't enjoy our company."

Nick felt his body get cold, despite being outside. He pulled the light cloak tighter around himself. He then felt a pressure on his shoulder and immediately looked up to find Vincent staring back at him.

"I planned to go today because typically on this day the area is barely used. I understand if it's too much to ask for you to continue. If need be, turn back and we'll follow."

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