14: Mad Hatter

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A tea party.


The sun moved high, warming the world and letting its light shine. In the Mycenia-Inter kingdom the prince, the royal advisor, a werewolf, and the Prince's personal knight were preparing a setup for a tea and talk.

Clay set the table down from above his head and Nick brought over the chairs. Five for each of them. Darryl and George walked through the bushed with the tea and delicacies they would eat along with it.

Then Clay brought out fairy lights. Everyone's eyes turned to him and he grinned.

"I thought they would be a nice touch." He said.

George giggled and said something about him being a dork while Nick just rolled his eyes and continued setting the table cloth. Darryl lightly smiled and huffed.

"You know, one of these days you're going to accept it." He said while straightening out the opposite end of the cloth Nick was at.

Without looking up the ravenet replied, "Easy for you to say."

Darryl's smile disappeared. "I wouldn't sound so sure, Nick." He said quietly.

His demeanor shifted to distanced silence. Nick passive aggressively set the plates.

George and Clay untangled the fairy lights and got to pinning them to the sides of the table. They finished their work and took a step back to engulf it. Nick and George high fived and Clay reciprocated a nod to Darryl.

The sound of leaves brushing against one another and feet crunching on the vibrant grass caught their attention. A tall male walked into the sunlight, the brightness making his features more noticeable. His scales shimmered like purple and black jewels speckled across his skin. He was dressed in a plum turtleneck with its sleeves rolled up, loose, dark brown pants and the same wooden slippers he used when Nick first encountered him.

"Good afternoon gentlemen." He said.

George was about to greet him when he noticed Clay's shocked expression.

"Vincent?" He asked, sounding almost doubtful.

The dragon mythical nodded with a small smile. "It's good to see you again Clay."

Clay ran up to the man and gathered him in what looked like a bone crushing hug. His face held a bright smile and he laughed loudly. Vincent was calmly set free and he gave the man a look of confusion.

"I thought you knew I was coming to have tea with you all?"

Clay scratched his neck and laughed again. "Well, I was told that someone would be joining us, but I wasn't told exactly who. I'm glad you were the one joining us though!"

"I'm honored to be here." Vincent replied.

Meanwhile the three humans present were staring at the pair utterly perplexed. The two were complete polar opposites, and they knew each other? George decided to speak up first, clearing his throat.

"I'm happy that you two seem in a good mood but may I remind you that we have tea that's to be had." He politely said.

The two looked over to him and Clay blushed in embarrassment. "Right, sorry doll."

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