Juliette has always been best friends with Nick and Matt Sturniolo, but the relationship with their brother, Chris, is more.. hateful.
Eventually as they spend more time together, they fall in love, but they just can't realise it...
"WAKE THE FUCK UP LOSER", a voice yelled. I looked up to see Nick staring at me, smacking me in the face with a pillow. " ANTONIO YOU'RE SO DEAD" I said, chasing him into his bedroom. I immediately took the bottle of water on his bedside table and and dumped it onto his head. "There's your revenge Nicolas" I said, laughing, before I felt a pair of arms around my waist drag me off of the bed and tackle me onto the floor. "MATTHEW STURNIOLO SCORES THE SNEAK ATTACK" Matt said, punching me in the arm. I quickly jumped on top of Matt and grabbed his hair, pulling it with all the force I had, "SAY IT OR I'LL NOT LET GO", Matt stared at me, trying to hit my arm to get me off of him "FUCK OFF JULES" He said, struggling. I continued pulling his hair until he mumbled "you're stronger, smarter and cuter than me", reluctantly. I smiled, finally letting go of Matt's hair.
I had been friends with the Sturniolos since we were 3. The triplets were in my class in preschool, where our friendship started. It began with a meltdown during the school trip to the zoo, where Nick had thrown up on me after seeing a bird.
I guess some projectile vomit was exactly the foundation required for a lifelong friendship. We were inseparable. I became best friends with Matt on my first playdate with Nick, all it took was an unforgettable game of hide and seek, and the numerous hiding places I discovered in their house that even the triplets hadn't seen.
Things were different with the third triplet, Chris Sturniolo. Very different. To be blunt, I couldn't stand him. From him pulling my hair in class in kindergarten, to pushing me off the slide in first grade, our rivalry drove a wedge in our ability to ever be friends.
"You didn't tell me Drool-iette was coming" Chris said. His childish whine hadn't changed in the 14 years I'd known him. "You didn't tell me the other one was at home today" I said, glaring at Chris as I quickly got off Matt. "Oh yeah, dude, Jules is sleeping over tonight" Matt said, smiling awkwardly. "Is she homeless or something, she's always fucking here", he said, rolling his eyes. I subconsciously pressed my tongue into the side of my cheek, "No, dick, I just have friends". He rolled his eyes, biting his cheek, and slumping his way out of Nick's room.
Nick and Matt always hated the fact Chris and I couldn't get along, "You know he was just mean to you when we were younger because he liked you", Nick used to tell me, 'Yeah, totally. He liked seeing me in pain, more like" I scoffed.
At dinner, Matt and Nick told me that the triplets' YouTube channel had hit 50k subscribers. As I jumped up and down in joy. They asked me the dreaded question:
I shook my head, violently. "yeah... no".
"Maybe if Chris doesn't feel like doing a video. But I'm not going into a car with your brother, don't you remember our Florida trip in 5th grade?". Matt and Nick looked at each other, trying their best not to burst out laughing before I smacked them in the head.
That Florida trip really tested my patience. When I was sleeping, Chris put a lizard on my pillow. I woke up, feeling something running around in my hair. As I screamed and panicked, I didn't notice Chris recording my meltdown.
" Girl vs Lizard" is still on YouTube to this day.