The good ol' days...

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*We cut to a Militia facility where we see two pods being occupied by our heroes Jack Cooper and (Y/N) (L/N) in a VR simulation with Tai Lastimosa*

Lastimosa: It's beautiful, isn't it?

*A gentle breeze passes the nearby cherry trees, making their pink leaves shed, and gently float to the ground, like fallen angels from the Heaven's above, to the Earth below.*

Even after playing this simulation numerous times, (Y/N) still can't stop admiring the beauty of nature, sadly, not present on the battlefield or his home, but still reminds him of something he deeply wants to push away, trying to forget it even existed in the first place... Cooper on the other-hand...

Cooper: (Y/N), how can you still enjoy watching this scenery, we've been looking at it for god knows how long! If anything, it's starting to annoy me...

(Y/N): Coop, we do what we do for the sake of others, and if a "scenery" makes you this upset, I wonder how long you'll last fighting against Titans for years to come... At least try to enjoy it before we get sent off to another war...

Cooper seemed to get the memo, as he went back to listening to Lastimosa's speech about protecting our planet and finally overthrowing the IMC...But a question always lingered whenever he mentioned the IMC's defeat...

(Y/N)'s mind: What after...? Will we retire? Will we be thrown aside, like back "then"...? Or will the cycle of good and evil renew, making us the bad guys without even knowing...? At this point, it's a blur to me how long I've served both sides of the table, but at least now I know where I stand...

He gets taken out of his thoughts by Lastimosa finally ending his speech and with it, beginning the boys favourite part of the simulation...Titan training!

Lastimosa: As you've seen and heard numerous times, my Titan is a special case. BT-7274, but everyone back at base calls him BT, so he just stuck with it. Now, it's your turn. Call them in boys!

Without a single second of hesitation, Cooper calls his Titan in, FS-1041, similiar in design to BT, FS is also a Vanguard-class Titan, but seems to be coated in a black coat, giving it a devilish look. 

I didn't intend on falling behind my friend, and called in my Titan as well, but...they were a..."Special Case"... Since I built her...

My titan, WP-8042, is a heavily modified Vanguard-class Titan, but the thing is, she was a Ronin, made for agility, close-range firepower and taking out the enemy faster then a Legion can rev-up its minigun. I was proud of how she turned out, even moreso that I was officially allowed to be a part of the repair team from time to time, giving them a helping hand when needed, and in return, I gained knowledge of the inner-workings of the machines. And with that, I built "Whiplash", my Titan's nickname. 

She also has a custom A.I. built in her, (again, made by me) but she's...different from other A.I.s...for some reason, she can show emotion, but I honestly don't plan on fixing that any time soon, makes me actually feel lively whenever I need a friend (And when Coop is not anywhere near base).

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