Survival of the fittest

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(Y/N)'s POV:


Why can I barely see...?

Aurora: Activating HUD...Scanning surroundings...

That explains it...

(Y/N) slowly opens their eyes, adjusting to their situtation as he see's he's still in his Titan's cockpit. Slowly after, he remembers what he heard. Moreso, who he heard...

(Y/N): Blisk... You son of a BIT-

Before he could express his rage, the cockpit sprung open, revealing the not so flightcapable MCS James MacAllan, which definitely didn't help his rage.

(Y/N): Alright, let's just calm down...I need to find Coop and Lastimosa, and fast. God knows how long we've been heREEEEEEE-!

While monologing to himself (and Aurora), he forgot to realise that even though he had his own Titan, he was still not allowed to Pilot it, meaning he never got a Jump-kit, meaning that he will...

(Y/N): *CRASH* Oooof...

...Fall flat on his face. Aurora giggled at his actions and proceeded to do a self-check on her armory, in-case she was missing something. While she was working out on how the hell they'll leave the crash site, (Y/N) found the two people he was looking for.


Two Prowlers could be seen fighting over their seemingly life-less prey, but (Y/N) had none of that. He won't lose anyone dear to him again, not his mentor, not his squad and especially not his best friend.

(Y/N): *Pulls out an R-301* ... Get away, fiends ...

(Y/N) stood infront of his friend's predators and he had no remorse, nor mercy left for these beasts

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(Y/N) stood infront of his friend's predators and he had no remorse, nor mercy left for these beasts. Memories arose from his mind, reminding him of his past failures. He did not have an option. Failure. Was. Not. An. Option.

He annihilated any and all enemies in sight, may it be a Prowler, a Scan-drone or the occasional Roaming Spectre, designed to scout out an area and report any and all anomalies in said area.

Seemingly ending his rampage, he returns to his unconscious friend, laying peacefully on the ground. He looks at the other Vanguard Titan, seemingly taking more damage than your Whiplash, but the Blink shield's fast regeneration stops making you question on how it was possible for you to last longer than BT. 

(Y/N): Ok Coop, I know you like sleeping, but GET THE HELL UP, SOLDIER!

Cooper: SIR, YES SIR!!!

Cooper, not wanting to suffer "maggot training" again, his instincs yell at him to wake up and move. (Y/N), satisfied that his idea worked, helps his friend up and starts motioning to him to move toward Lastimosa's Titan.

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