(15) Sick

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"And that's what your dumbass gets for going on a date in the middle of a rainstorm," Haruhi scolded as they sat on the edge of my bed with a thermometer.

I rolled my eyes, huffing as I buried myself deeper in my sheets. "Shut up," I mumbled.

"Well, I guess there's some pros to this," they grinned, listening them off with their fingers. "You don't have to go to school, you don't have to see the twins and endure their rapid-fire questions, you get an excuse to not have the homework, oh and, you have a boyfriend now, I guess," they joked.

I bit down the grin that threatened to appear at the reminder. A boyfriend. My first boyfriend, actually. And out of everyone in the world, it was Tamaki Suoh. How lucky of a person was I?

"Yeah, I guess I do," I looked away. "Worth it," I laughed lightly, which turned into a dry cough.

Haruhi snickered, throwing me a water bottle as they grabbed their school bag. "Alright, I'm going. Text me if you need me, and I'll stop by during lunch."

"Will Kyoya even let you do that?" My voice was coarse due to my little coughing fit. "You're in debt, aren't you?" I tried to tease them, but ended up coughing once more.

"Shut up," they huffed, eyes crinkled in amusement as they opened my bedroom door. "He'll let me, probably. If not, Senpai definitely will!" They teased just as they slipped out the door.

"HARUHI—" They shut the door. I groaned in defeat. If Tamaki found out that I was stuck at home sick, there was no telling how quick he would get over here.

I glanced at the time, seeing as there was still roughly 30 minutes before the school day was set to start. I decided to take the few moments I'd have to myself and sleep it off.

— ###

I woke up a few hours later by the sound of multiple rapid footsteps at the main staircase. I groaned, flipping myself over so that my tired face would meet my pillowcase. I had seconds until they burst through my door.

"Maiko, are you okay?! You're sick?!"

"You went on a date with Boss?!"

I laughed at the difference between the questions, popping my head out to find the twins, Tamaki, and Haruhi at my door. Tamaki was drowning in concern as he made his way towards me.

"This is your fault idiot," I teased as he sat on my bed. He leaned closer with an outstretched but I backed up, earning a frown from him. "Don't come too close, I don't want you getting sick too."

"I don't care about me right now," Tamaki retaliated, reaching again and placing his palm gently against my head. "You're warm, but not burning. I think a wet towel should do it. Kaoru, can you wet a hand towel with cold water?"

Kaoru nodded, saluting as he sauntered out of my room. "He's gonna get lost," Haruhi shook their head, following behind him. "I'll grab the thermometer too." I heard them mutter under their breath on their way out.

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