The Body

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        "Greetings and salutations!" Alastor began his broadcast with a greeting as usual. Although, the usual excitement he often held within his crackly voice seemed forced as his tone also seemed to hold the faintest hint of hesitation. Alastor blinked his ruby eyes a few times, part of him not wanting to continue with the broadcast he had planned.

        "My name is Alastor...Alastor Bosco and this is my story..." He forced himself to continue with a sigh that only seemed to irritate the static normally clumped within his throat. He knew Charlie was right and that he would eventually have to get these traumatic memories off of his chest. Although, he was not entirely sure where he should even begin.

        It was October, 1933...I was on a hunting trip with my good friend, Fabian Lindbeck...I still remember the smell of dead leaves and the way my heavy coat did very little to shield my thin body from the chill of the Autumn winds. I shivered as I aimed my Rifle at the silhouette of what I initially thought was a deer. I fired one shot but I missed due to my shivering. Instead of running off, the deer simply looked at me, even began to stare at me, right into my very soul.

        As I slowly began to lower my Rifle in confusion, I noticed the deer begin to twitch and jerk about as if it were incapable of getting its limbs to obey. I adjusted my monocle in a state of disbelief at what I was seeing. This creature was behaving far too strangely to be a deer. A feeling of dread began to overtake me as the creature began to approach me, twitching and jerking all the while.

        "It's you, it's me, it's us..." Spoke a voice like static but only within my mind, words I would not yet understand. I was frozen with fear as I listened to the dried leaves crunch beneath its massive hooves with each uneven step.

        "Hey, Al'!" I was startled out of my trance by a sudden hand upon my shoulder. I jumped as I spun around to see it was only Fabian. Relief soon chased away the fear I once felt at the fact that I would no longer have to face this creature alone.

        "I don't think there's anything out here; let's move to another spot." Fabian suggested with a smile as I wondered if he could even see what I was seeing. I returned my attention to where the creature once stood only to find that it had disappeared. Perhaps my mind was playing tricks on me? I thought, seeing as how we had gotten up early that morning and I was still fairly groggy.

        "Agreed..." I ended up agreeing to Fabian's proposal to move to a different area of the hunting-grounds. Fabian gave a small nod in response before beginning to lead the way but as I followed, I was unable to remove my eyes from the spot where the creature once stood until it was no longer within my field of vision.

        "Oh, crumbs..." Max murmured in shock at the destruction that lied before him. Max was just starting out as a mortician and already had become a witness to more than he could handle since his boss, Mr. Blitzo had volunteered them to help clean up the mass amount of bodies that had been left behind in the aftermath of a sinkhole that had just destroyed the entirety of a small town. Mr. Blitzo merely viewed the tragedy as a business opportunity to kickstart the small, funeral-home business he had created with his best-friend and partner, Mr. Fizzarolli. So far, Max was their first and only employee besides them.

        "Looks like this poor puss had a rough night..." Mr. Blitzo remarked as he sneered down at the corpse of the bar-tender of whom had snapped his spine over his own counter. The bar-tender's skin had since turned a sickly shade of violet, his blood-veins now visible through his decomposing skin. His nose had since been ripped from his face during the destruction of his casino, leaving a deep-crimson, heart-shaped hole within the center of his face. Blood had since pooled within his hands and forearms, enlarging them in an unnatural manner.

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