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        Since I was being shunned by the entire town for a crime I never committed, my presence had become unwelcome everywhere, even the grocery store. I could still hunt for my food, sure but for some reason, venison just was not enough to satisfy the intense hunger I too often felt. I only craved meat but no matter how much of it I ate, I still felt so hungry, so empty...One day there was a tiny knock at my door, a tiny knock I recognized from someone who use to help me with chores around the house, the girl who ruined my life...

        "Mini..." Her name practically left my mouth in the form of a snarl when I answered the door to that wretched brat.

        "Mr. Bosco?" She squeaked with fear as she began to back away from me, a fear that filled me with satisfaction. As I towered over her, I felt like a predator about to devour its prey, I felt like a monster but at the same time, it just felt so good to intimidate this brat.

        "I-I just wanted to say...I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused...I said something stupid..." She attempted to apologize to me as I took a step closer to her. She actually thought her little apology would make everything magically go back to normal as if she never ruined my life to begin with.

        "You...You think a weak apology will just fix everything?" I growled as I remained unaware of the fact that my new shadow had slowly begun to lift a small, jagged rock behind me.

        "M-Mr. Bosco, p-please...I said I was sorry..." She begged before turning her attention to my shadow with a look of horror, all color draining from her face.

        "You...Your little white-lie RUINED MY LIFE!" I bellowed when my shadow unexpectedly sent the sharp, pointed rock spiraling deep into the child's eye.

        "Mini! No..." In a state of utter shock, I dropped to my knees and scooped up the fallen child into my arms. Fresh tears spilled from my already, puffy, swollen eyes. My tears were not shed for her life but for what was left of mine. I was glad the brat was dead but I knew I would be blamed for this for certain...

        I would be sent back to prison! I needed to think of a way to dispose of her body, quickly but I was just too starved to focus... She made a delicious gumbo...Her tender meat finally satisfied my hunger for a short while but I had some leftovers so I left them on Fabian's doorstep along with a note, claiming that the food had come from The Church. The thought of my traitorous friend devouring the remains of the brat he chose over me truly filled me with a sick sense of pleasure.

        "Damn it! Come on!" Max mumbled beneath his breath as he strived in vain to force open the funeral parlor's one and only exit-door. A large tree had been blown down in front of the parlor's front-door thanks to the storm, leaving Max trapped inside with his former boss. Max's resentment for his former boss began to grow even stronger for being too cheap to make sure that his own building was up to code.

        "Max! Wait!" Mr. Blitzo shouted as he rushed to catch up to his former employee. He was relieved to discover that Max had been unable to leave the building.

        "Max, I'm sorry...You've been doing a great job and I'm proud to be workin' with ya..." Mr. Blitzo finally apologized for his actions as he placed a hand of reassurance upon Max's shoulder. Mr. Blitzo was determined not to lose another employee and let his business fall apart, even if doing so meant swallowing his pride. Max was about to tell his former boss that it was too late for apologies when he looked down at Mr. Blitzo's hand upon his shoulder and took notice of the long, red claws that were sprouting from his fingertips.

        Max's eyes widened as he slowly turned to face his former boss. Mr. Blitzo's face was now bright-red just like Max's reflection had been earlier in the restroom mirror, his Vitiligo patches white in contrast to his rosy complexion, his eyes amber and catlike. His hair was completely missing as massive horns now grew from his black-spined head.

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