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        Fabian's wife, Villa was the next to confront me, in a blind rage, demanding the whereabouts of her two daughters. I took my time with her since she was the one who took Fabian away from me to begin with...She brought that lying brat into this World, yes...That is what I meant by that statement...I used the powers I had to move the Earth that were granted to me by my new shadow to bury her alive, to slowly suffocate her with the very dirt she was made out of. I wanted her to suffer the most...

        I cooked her into a stew that I of course, shared with Fabian, only this time, I left a note from myself with love instead of "The Church." In hindsight, that was probably the foolish idea that led to my inevitable downfall...

        As Max used the fire-extinguisher to put out the flames, both he and Mr. Blitzo were surprised to see that the body Mr. Blitzo had attempted to burn was completely unharmed by the fire as it now lied on what was left of the melted, steel table.

        "Impossible..." Mr. Blitzo murmured in disbelief as Max somberly shook his head before leaving to be with the body of his fiancé for just a few, more moments.

        "What are ya? Some kinda alien?" Mr. Blitzo remarked to the corpse before grabbing his scalpel from the table of medical tools. When Mr. Blitzo brushed back the corpse's soft, brown hair, he was alarmed to see a bullet-wound in the center of the corpse's forehead.

        "Ya seem like a fighter but I guess we know what finally did ya in..." Mr. Blitzo chuckled before using the scalpel to slice the skin away from the top of the body's skull. He then placed the scalpel back onto the medical table before then grabbing a small bone saw and beginning to saw away at the top of the body's head, soon exposing the John Doe's brain.

        I admit, I was a fool for not being more suspicious when Fabian invited me on another hunting trip.

        "It'll be just like old times!" He promised and he had even apologized for his prior treatment of me, for not believing his best-friend, his brother. Fabian always knew the right words to use in order to wrap me around his little finger. He even brought me some food in return as an apology, which thankfully, had not been poisoned, even though I should have been more weary of it. The hunting trip went as normal aside from the fact that Fabian had invited two, other men to accompany us. I did not care for this unwelcome intrusion but I said nothing out of fear of damaging my chances at rebuilding my friendship with Fabian.

        Oh, how I wish I had been more cautious, more paranoid...

        "Holy crap on a stick..." Mr. Blitzo gasped after reviewing the results of the tests he had taken of the John Doe's brain tissue.

        "He's still alive..." Not only had Mr. Blitzo discovered a paralyzing agent within the corpse's blood but he had also discovered that the John Doe's brain tissue was somehow still active. Mr. Blitzo was quick to put all of the John Doe's organs back into his body before pulling his severed skin back together the best that he could. Mr. Blitzo covered his mouth in shock as he stared down at what he now knew to somehow only be a paralyzed body. The John Doe's trademark smile had since vanished as he now seemed to be glaring up at the lead mortician.

        "Hey, buddy...Sorry for kinda dissectin' ya alive..." Mr. Blitzo began with a nervous chuckle as he anxiously began to scratch the back of his head.

        "Look, I don't know if you're some kinda witch or somethin' but please...Just let Max go free...He had nothin' to do with any of this..." Mr. Blitzo then began to beg for Max's freedom at the very least, if it had been too late to save himself.

        "Tell me how I can help ya, alright? Just let me help you..." He then pleaded. This strange man had somehow been powerful enough to practically reduce his small, funeral home to near shambles so perhaps he would be capable of communicating with him somehow and telling Mr. Blitzo how he could assist him. Mr. Blitzo then cried out in pain, falling to the floor when his wrists and ankles were suddenly shattered by an unseen force.

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