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        When Fabian invited me over to his house the following evening, I had no clue that I was about to walk into a trap...To this day, I still kick myself for not being more suspicious of the way Villa glared at me before leading those wretched daughters of hers upstairs.

        "Good evening, Fabian..." I greeted who I thought was my friend as I normally did. The look he was giving me as he neglected to return my greeting just made me feel so uneasy...I still feel a sense of dread when I remember that look he held within his gaze and as I remember the words he spoke next...

        "Have a seat, Alastor..." He sternly commanded as if I were child. At the time, his attempts to intimidate me were successful so I did as instructed.

        "I-Is everything okay, Fabian?" I inquired as I strived in vain to not choke on my own words.

        "Mini has told me something concerning...She says she doesn't like you anymore..." Fabian began, his tone as cold as ice.

        "Oh? And why is that?" I questioned as I secretly began to wonder if this talk were going to be about that little kissing incident that occurred the day before.

        "She said it's because you have a penis and that it sticks up like a pole..." I was taken aback by what Fabian told me next. For a good, long while, I was at a loss for words.

        "Did you touch my little girl?" Fabian accused when I took too long to respond for his liking.

        "N-No! Of course not!" I finally spat out. Where did this child even here of such a thing? I wondered.

        "Then why would she say such a thing?" Fabian interrogated me further.

        "I don't know! Fabian, you have to believe me; I would never do anything like that to a child...You do believe me...Don't you?" My heart shattered as I pleaded with my friend to not believe this wretched child's lies about me.

        "I'm your best friend...Your brother...You've known me since we were children..." I desperately attempted to remind Fabian of who I was or at the very least, who I was supposed to be to him.

        "Children don't lie, Alastor..." With one sentence, Fabian decided to end our friendship that had lasted since childhood. As my eyes began to burn with tears, I quickly turned to leave so that Fabian would not be able to see me cry.

        "Alastor?" I stopped when I felt Fabian's strong hand upon my shoulder. My vision began to blur as tears finally escaped from my eyes. I could feel warm tears rolling down my cheeks as I desperately hoped that Fabian had changed his mind and had finally decided to believe me. I was wrong...He forced me to turn around to face his angry gaze before grabbing me by the throat and slamming me into the wall with enough force to crack it.

        "If I ever see your face again, I will kill you..." He threatened, his voice filled with hatred and malice.

        "Fabian..." I whimpered between sobs as someone I once trusted with my own life was now threatening it. It felt like an eternity before he finally released his grip on my throat and when he did, I fled outside into the cold of the night. As I ran, fear began to sting my pounding heart as I felt as if I were being watched.

        Max grumbled in frustration as he stumbled around the darkened, funeral home with nothing but a cheap, dim flashlight to illuminate his way. Mr. Blitzo had of course sent him to repair the blown fuse and had lent him the cheapest flashlight he owned to do so.

        "Agh! Ass-packing, stupid end-table! Crumbs..." Max cried out in pain when he had bumped his knee against one of the many, small, decorative tables that lined the funeral parlor's hallways.

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