Chapter 5 Kidnapped

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Kiyotaka's POV:

Well many days went after that incidence and the final exams are also over

Today is the result day of finals so we four decided to go on our own and take the result

Now we were in the middle of school corridor

"He Kiyo what you think how much I will get" Kei asked me

"Well I think you will get 98 as I scanned the paper and what you know" I said

"So let's test it Mr Computerkouji" Kei said and listening the nickname tubasa and eichiro also started laughing

"That was nice nickname Computekouji Hahah-" TUbasa said while laughing

"Shall we enter class or you will laugh here" I said

"Ya sure Computerkouji" Tubasa said

Then they went inside the room there was some students and sensei

"Good morning sensei" They all greeted

"Good morning what you think your marks will be" Sensei asked

"Well mine, tubasa and kiyotaka will get 100 and according to kiyotaka Kei will get 98" Eichiro said and sensei looked shocked

"You guess correct, well done what you said are your marks" Sensei said while clapping which made other students to look toward us
Then we checked the marks and went to have fun in town as to have fun

"He guys let's eat ice cream it will be my treat for helping me in studies" Kei said and we all nodded

We went inside the shop and ordered the ice cream I took the bite of it and it melt inside the mouth it really give the good taste what can I say I love ice creams

"Kya-" while I was eating then I noticed kei she was red and other girl in the shop

"What happened?" I asked

"You flattened all girls in one shot" Tubasa said in teasing tone

"What happened Kei" I asked kei who was still red like tomato

"Nothing, nothing happened hehe-" she said while laughing

"Don't hide kei, this dense head fellow will not know until you tell him" Tubasa said and eichiro was also laughing

"What you three are hiding" I asked them in confusion

"Nothing she is just teasing you" Kei said while hesitating

"Tell him otherwise someone else will tell him and will take him" Tubasa now teased Kei with a wide grim


"Stop that tubasa you are going far" Eichiro said to tubasa

"WHY YOU BONKED ME" tubasa said angrily but eichiro gave her head pat and she calmed down with a red tint on her face

Then we four then explored and now it was 7:00 pm so we decided to go home and we waved toward Kei she was about to go her home

"Bye Kei" We said

"Bye-"She said and then a car came behind her and they lifted her and closed the door

We three ran behind the car but we were not able to catch it so I thrown a device toward the car and stiked to the car

"Call Johan to bring the car and guards" I said to them

Then I checked the location of tracking device which I thrown toward the car it was going toward the closed factories

Kei's POV:

I was waving toward the Kiyo, tubasa and eichiro then a car stopped behind me and in that there were some men with mask were there on of them lifted me inside the car and other sprayed chloroform on an handkrif and put on my nose after that I felt unconscious and when I awaked then I found that I was tied on the chair and one of them was calling someone and I saw that I was wet because they thrown water on me to wake up

"So you wake up" One of them said and after some time a car came inside the factory and two boys came out of it and it was him

Kiyotaka's POV:

We head toward the factory and were waiting if anyone will come this can't be for money because I was also there but it can be for revenge maybe of business and I was thinking then a car came toward the factory and it gone inside

"Johan cover all entrance of factory, I will see this matter personally" I said and he nodded

"Now let's go inside throw that broken window" I said and tubasa and Eichiro nodded

Then we gone inside the factory there was 10 man and the two boys who came through car they were wearing the mask I seen toward eichiro and tubasa and they nodded and took their position's

First we have to take the evidence so eichiro gone behind the car and started recording and tubasa gone on the working platform upside so she can record everything

"Who are you?" Kei asked

"You don't remember me bitch" He said and removed the mask and he was Zaimokuza and his face was recorded in the camera

He went toward the Kei and thrown a bucket of water on her and slapped her tried to assault her 'You are going to die' then I seen toward eichiro

Then he picked the nearest guard punched him on the face and knocked him then they all were seeing toward the knocked one

Then I went behind the Kei and cut her ropes then lifted her she was about to cry but caught her mouth

"They are going to cry now not you" I said in her ear

"How are you Zaimokuza, may I join the party" I said then he looked toward me I punched him on his face kicked him on guts with more force than other took out bat one came toward me and tried to attack with his bat on my head but I just moved aside I have seen him throwing water on kei and laughing

I took out the sword cut his hand and then punched him on face and fall on other side

Seeing this other were in fear and two tried to attacked me one tried to attack on my head other on my legs but I dodged first and kicked other on his face and flipped and punched other on ribs that caused two break his ribs and it's voice came other were full of fear and tried to run but were stopped by Eichiro and he punched one on his abdomen and felt their unconscious know remaining five were divided three came toward me and two gone toward eichiro they three attacked toward my face but I dodged there attacks connect each other and I punched them made them unconscious

I was going toward Zaimokuza and took out the sword two cut him in two pieces

"I said you not to mess with my family" he came full of fear

As I left the sword Kei hugged me and she was crying

"Stop this Kiyo Stop this please" She said while crying I leaved him

Tubasa and Eichiro came toward us

"Johan clean the mess and throw this in the back of car" I said and Johan and other's came inside and I gave my blazer to kei so that she not caught cold and we went inside the car and left for house

"Your family will pay for this, Zaimokuza group I am coming" I said this to Zaimokuza before going inside the car and punched him to make him unconscious

When I entered in the car Kei hugged me while crying

"Don't leave me" She said

"I am not going anywhere kei don't worry everything is fine, I will protect you" I said and I kept her head on my lap and started caressing her hair to make her comfortable and soon she slept on my lap

An So how was it

 tell me

Bye Bye

See you later

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