Chapter 20 A Day Off

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AN I am not good at romance stuff don't accept much from me

Kiyotaka's POV:

"Well done Kei you have done better than I have thought" I said while patting her head

"hehehe Pat me more" She said

You all would be thinking what is happening she has done her job better than expected like she has changed Horikita today us I got information from my spy that horikita was helping Sudo properly and she was behaving better with others and she was developing herself us a leader well it will be fun in competing against class D

"Heh Kiyo say Aah" She said while pointing her spoon and I opened my mouth and then I also feed her

"Say Kiyo why you helped her" She asked while hugging me and we were now sleeping and chatting on my bed

"Guess why?" I asked her and she pouted

"Fine if I answered correct then you will fulfill my wish" She said with a smirk well it can't be a bed deal let see what she wanted

"Fine I accept it" I said and her smirk got wide I think I had done something wrong

"Let me think you like challenges so the Horikita like before was not any challenge she can't cooperate with her class and other thing that you like is seeing others growth so now I think she has more potential to grow" She is correct

"I like one more thing" I said and tilted her head in confusion and I smirked

"What" She asked

"My cute and stunning girlfriend" I said and she became beet red with a pout CUTE

"Y-you B-A-K-A wh-y you do such thing-s" She said with red face which she buried in my chest

"What I stated the fact" I said with a smirk

"Y-you always do this" She said still her head in my chest I caressed her hair

"Stop teasing and tell am I correct" She asked

"Like always you understand me well" I said and she smirked

"So complete my wish" She said with smirk

"So tell Mrs. Highness what I can do for you" I said with a smirk and she stood and went toward my cubord and took a hoodie and went inside the bathroom and came back back while wearing my hoodie which was coming up to her knees

"Will you not wear anything else" I asked

"Nope" She said with a grim

"You look too cute in this" I said and she had a little pink tint on her cheeks

"Hehehe So listen I will sleep with you today" She said while giggling as my jaw dropped

"No no" I said hurriedly

"Mou you said you will grant my wish and it is my wish and tomorrow is Sunday so there is no need to hurry for my room" Such a stubborn girl well this is not a bad idea

"Fine you win" I said and raised my hand in defeat

She giggled and jumped toward me and cuddled near me on my bed

"Say Kiyo how it feels to have such a cute girl as a girlfriend" She said while cuddling and I was hugging from her waist

"It feels like I am in heaven" I said and she giggled cutely

Then we slept while hugging each other

I woke up at 5 am and slide from the bed slowly so that kei not wake up and seen her cute face and she look like a child while sleeping I gone and made breakfast and ii gone to wake kei

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