Chapter 11 Hang Out

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Today was the second day of high school and today we have decided to hang out and I will the future plan today as there will be class wars

The time was 5:00Am I was getting ready for going to gym

"Hey Kiyo what are you do-" I heard Kei's voice when I was wearing my t-shirt she seen my upper body and now was red like tomato

"You should knock before coming, I have given you key of my room so that you can come easily not come when I am changing" I said

"I thought you will be sleeping and by the way you don't look happy seeing your girlfriend" She said while pouting

I got near her and patted her head

"Who will don't like to see a cute girlfriend like you" I said and she became red

"Stop teasing I was saying let's go to do exercise" She said

"Sure" I said

We came outside and Eichiro and Tubasa were seating on the chairs in living room eichiro was saying something and tubasa was red

"You should go on date in evening time" I said

"What?" Tubasa said

"Now we should go to Gym" I said and we all went to gym and done our daily routine

Then I came back to the room and got ready for school

We reached the class and the classes gone same

It was lunch time we all went to the cafeteria

"So guys l am making some group to spy on other classes and to tell what is their strength and weakness" I said

"You can do this after your club, in morning and in between class etc" I said

"So you are doing this for future class competition" Eichiro said

"Correct and you have to this until next Wednesday" I said

"Any questions about it" I said

"Ya who will go in which class" Yumamura said

"You and Nishikawa will be assigned to class D, Eichiro and Hashimoto will be assigned Class C and Kei and Tubasa will go to class B" I said

"Then at which time we should meet for hang out" Kei asked

"Let's do this after club at 6pm" Nishikawa said

"Ok" Kei said

"Let's have some fun" Tubasa said

"Ya let's enjoy this school" Eichiro said

"Hhe King let's have a match of golf in the mall" Hashimoto said

"Sure" I said

"Let's take these boys as bag carrier" Yamamura said

"He yamamura I have not thought you will like this, you have hurt me" Hashimoto said with a grim on his face

"I don't care about you" Yumamura said

"Oh my little hurt is going to into pieces" Hashimoto have fun in teasing no more accurate is irritating people

"Now we should go back to class" I said

"You are no fun King" Hashimoto said

We gone to class and other classes went as usual

"So let's meet at 6pm" Others said and we parted our ways

Time skip at 6pm

I have wear some casual clothes and came out of the room and went toward the lobby where Kei and others were waiting for me we got for the Keyaki mall

"Let's shop some clothes first" kei said

"You go we will come in 5 minutes" I said

"He Eichiro and Hashimoto will you come with me" I said because I want to play with their life especially Eichiro

"Ok" They said

We went to a gaming area where was nearly every game and an indoor Golf course

"He let's play for some time" I said

"That's fun Kiyotaka" Eichiro said

"Let's make a bat on a golf game" I said

"What type" He asked

"Who wins that will have right to give a task to losser" I said

"Insteresting, I know you not played much golf then I have high chances" He said

"SO hashimoto you will count point" I said

"As you say King" He said
We played the golf and finally I won

"As I won I will ask you later" I said with a grim

"OK it should not be more dangerous" He said

"Don't worry it will be dangerous as hell" I said he was little scared of my wording

We went back to the girls who were shopping

"You three took a lot of time" Tubasa said

"Ya sorry for that" Eichiro said

"Fine" Tubasa said

Then tubasa went for trying a dress. I went near to Eichiro

"EIchiro your work is this" I told him in his ear

"Are you trying to kill me" He said in scared tone

"Don't worry I will send you some tip" I said and send him 200k points

"Buy her something expensive which she likes like any pendant" I said

Then Tubasa came out of the changing room and went to eichiro

"Who it is looking on me" She asked

"Tubasa do you want to hear" He said

"Yes" She said in some excitement

"You are...looking fat Tubasa" He said

Hearing this I laughed and tubasa looked at him like she will kill him she kicked him on stomach that was hard due to which he fall down

He was looking toward me like 'You will regret for this'

"What happened?" Kei came out of the changing room and asked me

"Nothing, I played a game with Eichiro which caused this" I said and looked toward her

"By the way you looked to cute in this dress" I said and she blushed 'It always work'

"You Baka" She said while blushing

"Will you help in choosing some dresses" I said

"Sure" She said and I went with her then I brought some clothes and we all had fun

"Call her on a date and give her nice pendant, use the money I have sent you" I said to Eichiro

"I have to do that after this, I patted her head to calm her down" He said

We went to the the Theater, eat dinner and talk

Today was the fun and from tomorrow onward spies will start their work

AN So guys how was a simple chapter

Bye Bye

See You Later!

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