Chapter 12 Information

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An Hhe guys sorry for late chapter

Kiyotak's POV:

It has been one week since our group started spying other classes. So today is the day to stop this and to gather information

Now I am going toward gym with Kei. Eiichiro and Tubasa said they will not come today to gym. So we are going to gym

"Kiyo what you think other classes will be like" Kei asked me

"Well this we will know today, let's discuss something else" I said because there is no point in discussing what we will know soon

"So how you will help eiichiro?" She asked

"Well we already planned something so if will execute that then I think then it will be fine" I said

"What is your plan tell me" She asked curiously

"That will know soon" I said

"Pleassse tell me" She said with puppy eyes now how I can say no to such a cute creature

"Fine we have planned a date for them" I said and she became exited

"A date wow!" She was happy for some time and after that she started looking toward me as she was asking when we will go on a date

"Don't look me like this we will also go soon, calm down your emotions now" She raised her hand and punched air in excitement

I gave her a head pat because she was looking very cute

Then we reached the gym and started the workout and I went to the a person

"Good Morning Horikita senpai" I said to the president and he looked toward me

"Good morning Ayanokouji how are you doing" He asked

"I am doing great senpai" I said and he looked behind me

"Who is she?" He asked me

"She is my girlfriend Kurizawa Kei" I said and kei blushed a little

"Hello President nice to meet you" Kei said to Horikita senpai

"Hi Kurizawa san nice to meet you too" He said

"Senpai I want to ask a question" I said and he nodded

"How much more time will it take for club" I asked him

"Your club will start tomorrow and every student will get the information as you have written" he said and we went to our workout

After we have completed our workout we came back to our dorm and I changed the clothes after shower and went to school after breakfast

All classes gone well and after the homeroom it was lunch we went to the cafeteria with our group

We were seating on the table

"Hhe King will you not increase your faction" Hashimoto asked me and others were also want the answer

"That is going parallel to our work I not need many people now and what I am thinking happen then I will class leader in one shot" I said and a grim formed on Hashimoto's face

"What are you planning King" He asked

"You will know soon by the way you can leave spying today" I said

"Today we will meet in my dorm at 7pm there we will share information" I said

"Ya it is fine mine and hashimoto's is over and what about you Tubasa and Kei" Eiichiro said

"You don't talk to me" Tubasa said

"Ya our also over and what about Nishikawa and Yumimura" Kei asked

"Ya our also over" They said

"Then guys let's meet at my dorm" I said and we went to class back and other classes over and we went to dorm

Time Skip 7pm

Kei was in my dorm she was studying then the bell rang

I went to the gate and opened and there was my group

I welcomed them they we all sat in the room there

"So let's start" I said

"Let's start from others we have very interesting information" Eiichiro said

"Ok let's start with class D" I said

"I will tell then Class D is worst class as you said they are really defect they talk in the class, use phone and they contain many perverts they have no leader but have two central figures

First is a boy who's name is Hirata Yousuke he is a very good person but boys in his class don't like him because girls always surround him

Second is a girl, Kushida Kiyko she is also very good boys and girl both like her she has many friends around the school" Nishikawa explained

"Thanks for your information Nishikawa and Yumimura" I said

"So it's our turn" Kei said

"I will explain Class B, they are really very united and have friendly manner they are all nice and friendly they have a class representative Ichinose Honami she is very nice person she has nature that she will help her enemy they have Kanzaki who is his vice representative he is a observant and take things more seriously this class believe more in united working of the class" Tubasa said

"Thanks for your information" I said

"Ok class C has a tyrant name Ruyeen he use violence to control the class and he has support of a big guy who is not Japanese, he is a foreigner, Ruyeen is a very smart and I think he also found something about S-system and he can use any trick for winning, he beat his classmate to control them and we have some information of his future plans" Eiichiro said and looked toward Hashimoto

"Ya I have given some points to a person in his class to record his meeting and you all listen this he have some crazy ideas" He said and played the recording

In the recording Ruyeen planned to test his theories and will attack on class B and afterword Class D his plans are interesting

"Ok so class B and Class D are no problem for us only Class C has someone who can challenge us so let's go to the classes and meet them all" I said and everyone was looking toward me as asking why

"To meet them" I said

"By the way have you eat your dinner" I asked

"No" All said

"Fine then I am making you all will eat here today" I said and they all agreed

"It will take some time so you all can see tv or can do anything" I said and went to the Kitchen

Kei and other girls came to kitchen

"He let us help you" They said

"You all wait today I will treat you all for your work" I said

"No I will help" Kei said

"Kei I will do this" I said and patted her head

"Fine if you say so" She said and went to living room

Then I cooked the dinner and we all ate together

"That was great king"

"Ya that was delicious Ayanokouji-kun"

"Ya that was great"

"You will become great house husband Kiyo" Kei said and everyone laughed

"Thanks everyone"

Then they left the dorm and I cleaned the dishes and gone to bed

An So guys who was it

Sorry for late I get time during exams

Bye Bye

See you later! 

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