Chapter 8 A new life begins

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Kie's POV:

We were on our way to the Advance Nurturing High School. A high school which is best in Japan and give 100% job and college enrollment and it has many unique rules like we can't leave campus for three years and we can't communicate with outside person. Actually I don't have any problem with this because I am going to spend this time with my friends and my love, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

We are now in the limousine going toward the high school, Kiyo is sleeping on my shoulder, he was looking like a child, CUTE

When I was looking toward him then Tubasa and Eichiro were giving me thumbs up and a grim on their face

"We have reached the school" Matsou said

"Hhe Kiyo wake up we have reached" I said

Kiyotaka's Pov:

"Hhe Kiyo wake up we have reached" I heard a sweet and I know who's voice is this

"So we should go know" I said

"Ya man let's play with this school" Eichiro said

"What you mean by play with school" Tubasa asked as she is investigating him Kei was also looking toward him in curiosity

He saw toward me for help.

"Who knows" I said

"What you two are planning" Kei asked me

"Wait and Watch we planned our entertainment" I said

"So shall we go" Eichiro said to change conversation

We four came outside of the car and found that everyone was looking toward with us and talking to each other

'Look a limousine'

'Look how handsome are those'

'I will make one of them mine'

Listening such things kei came toward me and clang on my hand and tubasa did the same

They started glaring toward those girls who said

"Relax Kei" I said

"Ya relax you two no one take us" Eichiro said and pat tubasa's head to calm her down

I also patted Kei's head and it calmed her down

'Look cute they girls are'

'Man I am going to steel them from these bastard's'

Some boys were saying this and listening this me and eichiro glared them to shut their mouth and it worked they ran away

"Now what was this" Tubasa and Kei said at same time and giggled

Then we went to the entrance sermony it was boring SCP gave his speech then Chairman came and gave his speech and was about to end it then he took out a paper that surprised him

"Well I like to tell you guys first time in the history one man scored full marks in entrance exam, he is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka give him big hand" Everyone was shocked even teacher's were shocked and everyone was trying to find me my friends, looked toward me and then seen toward stage again

After then we went to our class 1A

My seat was at corner near to the window and on side of me was their Kei. In front of her was tubasa and in front of me was Eichiro

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