Chapter 14 Scaming Others

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Kiyotaka's POV:

As we came out of the school I messaged Kei to execute the plan and kei gone to tsubasa and told her about the date she

Then as we came outside of school

"So we two are going to the gymnasium for accepting challenges" I said and kei gave them a smile

"I am coming with you King" Hashimoto said

"Me too" Nishikawa said

"Ya I am also coming" Yumimura said

"We two are going somewhere so we will be not able two accompany you" Eiichiro said Tsubasa was little excited

"No problem" I said

Then we head towards the gymnasium I already asked Horikita senpai to use it and I was allowed

I went inside there were many second and third years

"Hello guys I am Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and I am the one who will take your challenges the entry fees is 50k points and you can bet as many point as you want" I said

A boy came toward me

"I am giving you challenge for dart" he said

"Sure what is your bet" I asked

"50k points and what will I get if I win" he said

"For you it is 100k points" I said and he looked surprised and happy at once

He took one dart "There will be three shots who have high point wins I am starting first" He said and thrown dart which gave him 50 points he was happy at his point

"Ok now I will go" I said and took a dart and calculated the force I should use and made a position

"You should keep one leg in front and then throw" He said

"Thank you for your advice but I am fine in my way" Then I calculated and thrown the dart

Ops I not calculated it correctly it landed on 90 points he was surprised

"You got a good luck" He said

"You throw your two now so we can finish it fast" I said and he thrown his remaining darts which gave him 70 and 60 points

He was much happy as he won

I went and thrown my darts and both hit bulls eye

Now his face changed in shock

"How you did have you cheated it's impossible" He cried louder

"No I haven't cheated it is fare and square and this board and dart are given by school" I said

"No you must have used Aim hack" He said

"Aim hack hahahaha" Hashimoto started laughing "Man are you serious go play video games only hahaha" He said while laughing while others were laughing too then he gave the points and gone away

Then I took many other challenges they were easy to win mostly were second and third year who came and lost then the boy came whom I call Dragon boy

"I have heard about your club at first I think it is waste but when I seen who many lost I thought you are fucking interesting kukuku" He said

"So you want to challenge me" I asked

"Yes I want to challenge you for a fight who knock down first will lose" He said

"I accept it" I said and then he transferred the fee

"My bet is 10k points" He said

"Then if you win I will give you 20k points" I said well this not a problem for me because first thing I will not lose and second if I lose then also he will in loss of 30k points

"Ok" He said

"Let's start"

He came running toward me but I just kept my hand in the pocket he was coming to punch

"Will you not move" He said but I not responded

He came near to me and he was about to punch me but I kicked him on his head and then his head hit the ground enough hard to lose his conciseness as this thing happen even less then in a second everyone was shocked in the gymnasium no one spoke

Hashimoto was recording this

"SO I think it's over please take him to the nurse" I said then Albert came and lifted him and transferred the point and went out of the gymnasium it was the last

When we were heading back then a boy came with blond hair

Ah I remembered he is the vice president and football club head who is cock head person what every girl

"How can I help you?" I asked

"I want to challenge you" He said

"Sure" I said

"Ok I will give you three challenge and in that bet I want your full points and I will invest equal amount" He said

"Fine by me so what are your challenge" I asked

"Football penalty shootout, chess match and Arm wrestling" He said

'You lost man' I thought

"Fine" I said

Then we played a chess match, arm wrestling and penalty shoot out and he lost in everyone he was full of anger but he gave the points

Hashimoto recorded everything and he posted everything on school forum with title 'The Unbeatable Devil'

Then when we were coming out of the football ground we met Eiichiro and Tsubasa who were on date and they both were happy

"So what was your collection" He asked

"It is 12,335,000 points" I said and everyone was shocked

"That's a huge amount" Tsubasa said

"Ya all thanks to vice president he bet 6.5 million point" Hashimoto said while laughing

Then we chatted and went toward the dorm Eiichiro gave a pendant in gift to Tubasa and they had fun. So our paln succed

An Hello guys so tell how it was and tell me should I write about the date of Eiichiro and Tsubasa if anyone said yes than that will be the next chapter

Bye Bye

See You later! 

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