having fun with Manny

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Lil bit of author's note before we start:

Remember when y/n had the palm of her right hand sliced and her left foot accidentally stepped on broken glass while barefooted?

Yesterday while taking a nap, I dreamed about my right hand getting 2 painful wounds from some thorns and it hurts so much it feels like it's fucking real and I was crying.

I think that was either my own brain's revenge on me for giving y/n deep wounds or Larry just wanna punish me lmao I can't stop overthinking xD

Ok time to continue the story

While shopping in the nearby supermarket, you couldn't stop thinking about Manny, who was actually the lost son of your landlord, Roy. You still remember the little boy telling you stories about how he used to play with his older siblings and live a completely happy and normal life until one day when his mom left, it's when all the worst events start happening in the apartment.

An hour later, as you arrived back home, you saw your another neighbor that you don't know much but you see him at some times walking around the streets with Robin (a/n: lmao no it's not Harry). You approached him and responded "oh hey uhh what are you doing here?"

"My brother Robin told me that you found your landlord's long lost son and he wants to meet him," he said. "He told me to tell you to go over our house at 1pm cuz."

"Alright deal," you said and went inside the apartment.

A long sharp clock hand attempted to stab you but you were lucky enough to dodge it on your way to your flat. As you put down your groceries, you heard something crashed across the apartment, followed by a scream. "Great heavens, what could that be?!" you wondered. While grabbing a pack of sugar from your groceries, you heard someone scream again, but this time followed by footsteps and another stuff falling to the ground.

Unable to hold your curiosity in, you decided to go and take a look on what's happening. Manny comes out crying from nowhere with huge wounds on his arm and cheek. When he sees you, his mood changed from being both miserable and scared to excited and he runs towards you to give you a hug.

"I'm so happy you showed up!" he squealed.

"Me too," you said and checked the bleeding wound on his cheek. "My goodness, what happened to you?!"

"I got bored so I decided to look for you but I forgot those scary moving objects wants to kill me," said Manny. "A fridge tried to trap me inside but I attempted to get out and got this stupid wound on my arm and then a clock tries to hurt me too."

"Poor little thing," you sighed.

"Hey you have a wound too!"


Manny was pointing at your bandaged hand. You hid your hand and said "oh uhh heh that's nothing."

After a second of silence, he requested to stay with you in your flat and you agreed. You showed him to where you live, grabbed your first kit, and treated Manny's wound.

"Thank you y/n!" he said happily. "Other people me and my dad met weren't so nice. But if there are some that are nice, they weren't alive anymore."

Not alive anymore? Even young little Manny knows such creepy things happening to this apartment. Trying to forget about what happened last night you decided that it's time to bake cookies.

"Hey Manny."


"I'll go bake cookies for you. You can go play some games in my computer while you're recovering from your wounds. I got some pretty cool games I downloaded there. Oh, and I also have some fun movies to watch!"

As you were preparing the ingredients, you were surprised to see Manny heading to the table. He stares at the ingredients and said "I want to help."

"You want to what?"

"Help you bake" he said as he grabs a cup on the table.

"Wait are you sure?" you asked. "This would be very complicated."

"No it's alright. Me and my older siblings love to help our parents in baking" answered Manny.

"Awwe you're such a good boy."

Without knowing it, you have fun baking cookies with your landlord's son. It's then you realized that living with a child is actually better than being alone. After you were finished baking, you and Manny ate the cookies both of you made together while watching Encanto (a/n: this movie is very popular and I like the movie so it'll be a good idea to add it here).

After watching the movie, you played a few games. After the both of you are tired, Manny decided to show you his drawings. Some of his drawings were normal innocent kid drawings but the others seem to be disturbing. One of the drawings shows a childish scribble of him crying while another kid was being killed by some kind of creature, which you assume was just a wild animal since children's drawings are quite hard to understand, while it was on a pool of red thing that you could picture was blood.

"Uhh Manny, what inspired you to draw this?" you asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it," he said. You noticed him starting to feel unhappy for some reason.

"Oh ok then."

You looked at your phone for awhile to check the time and was shocked to see it's already 1pm. You almost forgot that you have to go to Robin's house! But of course you wouldn't wanna leave a poor child behind all alone so you looked at him and said "hey, I'm going over a neighbor's house. You can come along with me,"

"No I'm too scared to go outside," he responded.

"Why?" you asked.

"After what happened to my brother, I don't wanna go outside again. It really scared me and every time I thought about going outside, I remember about what happened to him."

Another author's note cuz why not:

Welp this gotta be the longest I've ever written. 1039 words! Gosh! It's already night I should already be sleeping lmao bye

Place to Reside A̶n̶d̶ F̶e̶e̶l̶ T̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶ (2nd DHMIS AU with Y/N + OC Insert)Where stories live. Discover now