planning the ritual

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That spellbook can't be gone! It's your only hope of getting the problems solved. Despite the fact that there are still restless souls seeking revenge around the apartment, you went to search for the damn spellbook. In one corner, you hear few sounds of wood being scratched.

You went nearer to see the source of the sound and saw shadow of a duck walking by. It disappeared halfway. As you walked deeper, you saw some wood shaking slightly at your side. You lifted the wood and was shocked to see Robin inside, almost unrecognizable due to the amount of blood and dust on him.

"It's been a long time, Robin," you whispered. "What happened to you?"

"It's really a long story but it's so overwhelming and strange I couldn't describe it briefly in details," he replied.

Beside him was some huge chunk of rotting meat and a familiar-looking book. It was the spellbook...Robin has the spellbook! You went and tried to reach for the spellbook but the unpleasant smell that reminds you of a rotting corpse made you cringe.

"Uhh y/n I think you're trying to get this," said Robin, giving you the spellbook.

"Oh thanks," you muttered. "Why is this book with you anyway?"

"I have no idea. This damn thing just appeared near me while I was hiding from the crazy meat monster and those 2 huge emo cans after I've escaped from a giant tin shit chamber they trapped me in. I keep hearing someone whisper 'why didn't you avenge my family for me?' over and over again and it's driving me bonkers. And so I found this book and I have no idea what it's about so I attempted to read the easiest shit I can read there and boom! Some magic happened to me."

You don't know exactly what the fuck happened to Robin and which spell fixed whatever problem he's suffering but you're glad you found the spellbook anyway so you and Robin made your way out of the apartment anyway. Endey grabs the spellbook. She flips some pages and then takes a close survey.

"According to the way this book have been written by some kind of witch who lives deep in the forest," explained Endey. "Now you may say there are only one type of witch but you are wrong. There are kinds who live by the sea or relay on magic through astronomy or have been naturally developed with scientifically unexplained creatures that dwell deep in mountains. But the way of rituals and ingredients required that I see in this book suggests me that it's written by a loner old woman who lives in the forest and learns to brew magic by finding things in the forest."

"Woah!" Manny responded in awe.

"Yep! Everyone who knows me joke that I was a witch in my past life," she chuckled.

"Can there atleast be a spell that can release those poor spirits who couldn't rest well?" Robin asked in desperation.

"Well let's see."

Endey looks through the pages of the spellbook. After about a whole minute, she announced "well it turns out there's both a spell that allows you to curse a certain area that'll trap the souls of anyone into a certain creature or object they've last interacted with and a spell that'll reverse that! I might guess that witch probably wanna do a curse that she can control however it wants despite having a permanent effect."

"What about the spell I used to accidentally free about 3 trapped souls?" you asked.

"That was only for a small area, which doesn't require any special ritual or props. However, the same spell for a large area needs lots of preparation and stuff," replied Endey.

"Let's settle a plan and roles. I'll be the one looking for these uhh ritual items," you volunteered.

"Oh I'm not sure," she said. "Some of here aren't found in the forest at all."

"Gimme that!"

You grabbed the spellbook and looked at it. It's only now you remembered, you don't understand witch language.

"You're lucky I still remember what i've read there," said Endey.

"Tell me," commanded Robin, who just grabbed a clipboard and a pen.

And so here's the list that Robin have created:

6 daisies that have blue middles instead of orange (Molearage)

19 apple-sized blackberries that are red instead of dark purple (Hrequn)

55 leaves from an oak tree that are exactly half-green half-brown (Rawfeiat)

8 long strands of lime green prickly vine (Cabilanguean)

8 candles of any type

A single tooth of a dead boar

"Alright now what's the plan?" you asked.

"I wanna go scavenger hunting!" Manny volunteered cheerfully.

"No, Manny, the forest is too dangerous for you," said Roy.

"You can just go entertain the ghosts for while," you added.

"Aww but I'm scared of ghosts..."

"No don't worry. Those ghosts are friendly unlike before because they got the freedom they longed for."

"Now who's gonna dig around the apartment in search for the 8 black roses covered in cabilanguean?" asked Endey.

"What's that?"

"You literally have the fucking list, Robin."

"Oh my bad but I ain't searching for the roses..."

"Did I say you'd be the one doing it?"

"Damnit stop fighting," interrupted the annoyed Roy. "I'll find the black rose myself since I'm the owner of that apartment and I'm good at digging since I've known to have hid my murder victims' bodies."

"Ok fine I'll go get the candles and the lighter and I might go get my best buddy Harry as well," said Robin.

At last, the plan was settled and everyone were ready to do the roles assigned to all of you. Confident as fuck, you went trotting into the forest, clutching the list Robin wrote. At one distance, you saw something shining red. You've found a hrequn among a bush of normal blackberries! (A/n: idk if blackberries grow in bushes, vines, or trees but idgaf anymore)

You went near to pick up the hrequn but then you hear some bit of grunting. The sound was coming from behind a tree. You tried your best to ignore the sound and focus on your mission. But as your hand was about to touch the hrequn, a wild ass dear with shiny red nose...I mean eyes hopped out of nowhere and pounded on you.

Place to Reside A̶n̶d̶ F̶e̶e̶l̶ T̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶ (2nd DHMIS AU with Y/N + OC Insert)Where stories live. Discover now