ghostly encounter and the plan

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You don't wanna leave the poor child behind but Manny has extreme phobia about the idea of going outside. You promised to him that you'll return later and told him to be extra careful while waiting for you.

"Did Manny told stories about his old life with his family?" Robin asked a few minutes after you arrived.

"Yeah he's able to recall some details, both the beautiful and the dark memories," you said. "Why you asked btw?"

"Something happened few years ago," said Dennis.

"Roy's divorce with his wife and the death of his 2 older children had him overly depressed, which leads to drug addiction," added Robin.

"And so Manny got trauma from the death of his siblings and all those other horrible things that happened at the apartment that he locked himself in a room," you said as you took a sip from the tea that your friendly neighbor gave you.

"Not only that. His father's changing behavior scared him for life too."

"Yep. I've seen his strange behaviors while Harry and I were still tenants in that apartment," said Robin. You almost spitted out the tea you were drinking. "Wait, you've lived there before?!"

Robin nodded. "That was when we were both still in college when we decided to live together there. We just realized that it was a bad idea when Roy and some crazy moving broken old objects tried to kill us. Luckily, my trustworthy friend Harry was good at escape plans and we ended up being the first survivors of that crazy place after the incidents that happened some time ago. I'm just glad Dennis, Endey, and this certain girl Harry was crushing on offered us new places to live in here."

There was silence for a few seconds.

"Oh just one thing, y/n!" Dennis interrupted the silence.


"My brother Robin suggests that we go teamwork and bring Roy to mental hospital."

"I didn't said that!" shouted Robin.

"Yes you did," said Dennis. "You just told me while we were watering the plants. You even said that Roy needs to be locked in the mental hospital forever."

"Fine! Fine! I did said that but in a different way!" responded Robin.

"Ok but HOW are we gonna bring Roy to mental hospital?" you asked. "And what about his only alive son, Manny? Who's gonna take care of him while his dad is under mental treatment?"

"This is why I'm thinking about asking my friend Harry," said Robin.

You went back home an hour later after your conversion with the brothers. You didn't see Manny anywhere so you just hoped that he just went to try to entertain himself while you're gone and that he's still alive. After what happened last night, you're too scared to sleep in your new room now. So you decided to grab your sleeping bag, went outside at the back of the apartment, and drifted off to sleep, hoping nothing bad happens while you're in slumber.

It was still night when you woke up back in your bed inside the apartment. "Huh?! Why am I here?! Who brought me here?!" Thoughts raced in your minds as you make your way out. Unfortunately, a little girl, who seems a year older than Manny, blocks the door outside your room. Blood was running down from her eyes, chest, and forehead.

"I'm not letting you out until you bring my brother to me and give justice to me!" she shouted in a small but unsettling voice.

"W-what justice?!" you asked.


Suddenly, ink comes out from different directions and went over you like as if they were venom.


You tried to break free but it seems that the ink was stronger than regular ink. The little girl, who now has tints of blood, ink, and multicolored paint all over her body, watches you with angry empty eyes. Suddenly, a huge clockhand swung and hit the girl away, causing her to fall down to outside (a/n: RIP my grammar ಥ‿ಥ). All the ink that was trying to bind you down slowly fades away.

"Thank you Mr. Clockhand or whatever," you said under your breath as you try to ran into another door. For some strange reason, your feet feel heavier than before.

"I AM NOT MR. CLOCKHAND!" yelled a seemingly drunk but creepy voice from nowhere. You looked around and saw a pair of red eyes staring at you from the top of your bed. Suddenly you don't feel really good. You looked at your hands and saw your skin and flesh rotting away.


Not knowing what to do, you went over to one of your windows and jumped outside. You could feel your body aging too rapidly. You crawled on the ground, searching for your sleeping bag, but for some bad luck, you couldn't see it anywhere.

"HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP ME!" you shouted. The moon shines but it seems nobody hears. "HELP ME PLS! I THINK I'M GONNA DIE!"

"I need help too," said a child's voice out from nowhere. "My brother misses me."

In front of you, you see a little boy which is a bit older than the girl who almost trapped you in venom-like ink. He was covered in more blood than her and there was scratch and bite marks all over his body. You thought this kid was more friendly but you were wrong. A werebunny and a huge insect you couldn't tell what species it was grabbed you by their sharp claws, which just makes the rotting of your body even worse.

"YOU NEED TO PAY FOR STEPPING ON MY SKULL!" he shouted, now with a eerie change in his voice. The pain you're feeling just gets deeper into your bones, so painful you screamed. After a split second, your vision went black.

Author's note: a bit of a cliffhanger wouldn't be so bad right? Hehehe...uhh am I right? Eh whatever...

Place to Reside A̶n̶d̶ F̶e̶e̶l̶ T̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶ (2nd DHMIS AU with Y/N + OC Insert)Where stories live. Discover now